Casting is not working as expected for interfaces in python

UE - Editor - Workflow Systems - Dec 22, 2023

GetMonitorSizeFromEDID may fail to acquire the native resolution for ultrawide monitors

UE - Foundation - Dec 20, 2023

For some ultrawide monitors, UE may not correctly fetch the native resolution. GetMonitorSizeFromEDID attempts to retrieve native resolution from the Detailed Timing Descriptor of the EDID, but thes ...

Cannot set background color for UI Domain material preview

UE - Editor - UI Systems - UMG - Dec 18, 2023

Unexpected resimulations after a client possesses a moving pawn

UE - Gameplay - Network Prediction - Dec 14, 2023

If a player possesses a moving NPP-simulated pawn, there is some kind of logic problem where a reconciliation immediately is triggered, and resimulations keep streaming for a long time. This proble ...

Paste of subcategories does not work

UE - Editor - Workflow Systems - Dec 14, 2023

Per instance custom data and Material Layers issue

UE - Rendering Architecture - Dec 12, 2023

[Attenuation][Spatialization] - If speaker output is set to stereo, the Surround 2D Non Spatialized Radius Mode doesn't generate any audio

UE - Audio - Dec 12, 2023

If Surround 2D is set as the Non Spatialized Radius Mode, there is no fallback option if the user's output is not a surround format (eg stereo). There is also nothing communicated in the Tool Tip. ...

Fix AssetManager rules overrides in case PrimaryAssetTypesToScan for PrimaryAssetLabel sets bApplyRecursively=false

UE - Foundation - Core - Cooker - Dec 11, 2023

SetPrimaryAssetRules sets the "is overridden" variables (e.g. bOverrideApplyRecursively) based on a comparison with the global default rules:static FPrimaryAssetRules DefaultRules; ... ExplicitRu ...

AssetRegistry and CoreRedirects: Users of GeneratedClassTag do not uniformly handle CoreRedirects

UE - Foundation - Core - Cooker - Dec 11, 2023

ClassPaths are stored in FBlueprintTags::GeneratedClassPath, FBlueprintTags::ParentClassPath, FBlueprintTags::NativeParentClassPath, and are read by many locations in editor code. But these location ...

Option "Always load last project on startup" is broken on UE 5.3

UE - Editor - Workflow Systems - Dec 9, 2023

In UE 5.3, when the option "Always load last project on startup" is enabled and a new Editor launch attempts to automatically reopen the last closed project, the dialog "The following modules are mi ...