Project fails to package for Android if a blueprint has a variable that sets itself on construct. ...
Using a game mode that contains a custom game state rather than the default seems to be disabling tick for other blueprints such as characters and actors. Whenever the project is using a custom gam ...
Root Motion is broken in Additive Animations. Also causes scale issues Regression: YES Worked: 3039270 (4.12.5) Broken: 3172292 (4.13.2) ...
Capsule Collision component has incorrect physics collision when rotated. This only seems to happen when the Capsule Collision is a child of another component that is simulating physics. If the pare ...
If the user sets up Suspend Clothing Simulation in the Construction Script of a blueprint, it will not work when playing. It will work if setup in the Event Graph on Begin Play. ...
This is a regression in behavior between 4.14.1 and 4.14.2! The editor will crash when importing FBX meshes that have multiple material ID assignments. If it's a single material ID it will import w ...
When the user suspends cloth without stopping animation, there will be some odd shadow movements. This doesn't occur if the user stops the animation along with suspending cloth (which is the prefer ...
When adjusting the local location of a bone in Persona by typing in values, it appears to keep adding to the current location. So if you type in the same value over and over again, it keeps moving ...
Regression since 4.13 due to change in UStaticMeshComponent::InvalidateLightingCacheDetailed ...
Add a light to a blueprint Move it away from the origin Right click on the component and duplicate it Notice that the new light is now a child of the previous light and that its transform is now in ...