In the Static Mesh Editor Viewport, hitting "F" for Focus results in placing the view camera sporadically so that mesh is not always centered and frequently out of frame altogether. Regression: Yes ...
World Composition is set up to actively manage when levels are loaded and unloaded. However, using this in network applications can cause clients to load levels instead of the server (if a client wa ...
UWheeledVehicleComponent calculates the Suspension settings only when the physics state is first created. When CoM is set through the editor, the vehicle is constructed with the appropriate offset ...
When using a line trace under a landscape it no longer registers a hit on the underside. REGRESSION? Yes Worked 4.13.2 CL 3195953 Broken 4.14.1 CL 3224400 ...
Renaming an interface appears to cause pins to disconnect from the functions of that interface in the blueprints that use that interface. Any wires for the updated parts of the interface are disconn ...
In the Gameplay Tag List, renaming a tag, and then renaming it back to the original name, will remove it from the list. ...
When reimporting a mesh that was originally imported with "Combine Meshes" off it will come back in as a combined mesh. ...
Auto Reimport source paths can cause a crash with the editor. I couldn't narrow down in my limited testing what would cause the crash vs what would not with these file paths. The one in my attached ...
Physics object resting on movable platforms have erratic physics behavior in 4.14. This is a regression from 4.13.2-3172292 User Description: When placing more than 10 or 20 blocks on a moving pl ...
FindCollisionUV always returns False on Skeletal Meshes User Description: In UE 4.14.0, the blueprint "Find Collision UV" functions doesn't work properly with Skeletal Meshes. While it works fine ...