When playing matinee, scrubbing can cause sound to keep playing when it isn't triggered

UE - Audio - May 31, 2016

When playing matinee, scrubbing can cause sound to keep playing when it isn't triggered Note: This was entered as a bug to re-work the fix from the pull request found here: [Link Removed] ...

Ribbon Emitters Do Not Properly Kill Trails On Source Loss

UE - Graphics Features - Nov 18, 2016

"Dead Trail on source lost" doesn't seem to work consistently. This is apparent when the source emitter's duration is longer than the particles being emitted. This bug also occurs if there is vary ...

D3D Device Lost 'HUNG' crash in FD3D11Viewport::PresentChecked

UE - Graphics Features - Oct 31, 2016

This is a new D3D crash affecting multiple users in 4.14 Preview 1. It is currently the #1 crash in the Preview. Information provided by users:Just pressed create project...Openning QA Game with - ...

Raytracing shadows and lighting not showing in rendertarget

UE - Graphics Features - Lumen - Dec 19, 2019

Raytracing shadows and light reflections not appearing in render target Tested in: 4.22.3 CL#7053642 4.23.1 CL#9631420 4.25 CL#10730208 ...

Cannot open Anim Notify Manager

OLD - Anim - Jan 3, 2017

Cannot open Anim Notify Manager. Right Click>Manage Notifies doesn't open it and the Manager no longer appears in the Window Menu. Regression: YES Broken: 3224400 (4.14.1) Worked: 3172292 (4. ...

Niagara Particles in Mesh Shape Don't Render in Scene or Editor Preview

UE - Niagara - Dec 19, 2019

Niagara particles aren't rendered in the Niagara Editor Preview or the scene when an emitter is in it. Found in 4.24.1 CL#10756747 Reproduced in 4.25 Main CL#10808197 ...

Custom Launch Profiles lose selected projects after first re-open of the editor

Tools - Jan 2, 2020

Selected project resets in a custom project launcher profile only after the first time restarting the editor.  Tested: 4.24.1 CL#10757647 4.25 CL#10873002 ...

Rendering out PNG Sequence from Matinee yields Transparent PNGs

Tools - Mar 30, 2015

When rendering a movie out as a PNG sequence, the PNGs are all rendered with Transparency and require the addition of a Black layer before the frame can be viewed as in the Matinee. Went back and t ...

Reimporting a static mesh will cause some values to be reset back to defaults

Tools - Jul 5, 2017

Reimporting a static mesh will cause some Static Mesh Editor values to be reset back to defaults. This was reported as JIRA UE-22205 back in 4.10 and was marked fix in 4.12. However, I wasn't able ...

Renaming native struct with redirect can break user defined structs

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Jul 18, 2018

From https://udn.unrealengine.com/questions/444690/redirecting-ustruct-used-as-member-of-userdefineds.html In 4.20 it was changed so soft object ptrs pointing to classes work correclty with +ClassR ...