3D WebViewer shows white screen on Oculus 2

UE - Platform - XR - Apr 22, 2022

If Oculus and Oculus 2 are listed to package for Oculus Mobile device the 3D web viewer only shows a white screen. This only occurs when the package is playing on the device itself. ...

Crash Occurs In Skeletal Mesh Editor When Adding a Bone Transform in a New Animation Sequence

UE - Anim - Runtime - Apr 22, 2022

Occurs 3/3 times Regression does occur: tested in //UE4/Release-4.27.2  EGL Live @ CL 18319896. No crash occurred.  A crash occurs in the Skeletal Mesh Editor when adding a bone transform to the A ...

Geometry Collection Actors do not respond with the appropriate Actor nor Component for OnComponentHit events

UE - Simulation - Physics - Solver - Apr 22, 2022

Geometry Collection Actors do not respond with the appropriate Actor nor Component for OnComponentHit events. Upon placing a breakpoint after following the steps to reproduce, you can see that the O ...

Replicated Timelines Update runs once for Clients when you change its Play Rate

UE - Networking - Apr 22, 2022

See linked UDN for more info. This looks to be because of how OnRep_Timeline handles any changes to the component's FTimeline struct. If the timeline isn't playing, OnRep_Timeline will call SetPlayb ...

Distance Cull Fade Node on Material does not work with Skeletal Mesh

UE - Rendering Architecture - Materials - Apr 22, 2022

The licensee reports that this issue is caused by the following code not performing a Buffer update. .\Engine\Source\Runtime\Renderer\Private\ShaderBaseClasses.cpp void FMeshMaterialShaderElementD ...

Assigning FSoftObjectPath to null entry in Blueprint Trips ensure on Compile/Load

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint Editor - Apr 21, 2022

[Link Removed] Able to set default values for Sequence & Map variables for a Movie Pipeline Executor Job causing an Ensure & Crash. Repro Rate: 4/4 Tested this in //UE4/Release-4.27 @ CL#18319896 ...

Custom Stencil does not display in UE5.0

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Apr 21, 2022

Notify selection in Persona breaks with custom windows display scaling

UE - Anim - Runtime - Apr 21, 2022

The notify panel in the animation editor doesn't currently support windows display scaling. If the user changes the display scale to something like 150% then selection of notifies is inaccurate. T ...

Objects in the Viewport in QAGame project are displayed in low resolution.

UE - Rendering Architecture - RHI - Apr 21, 2022

Repro rate: 3/3 Objects in the viewport in QAGame project displayed  in low resolution. Issue reproduced for precompiled and not precompiled builds. Not reproduced in newly created blueprint third ...

Setting the Take Recorder Panel's mode several times through scripting can cause the panel to become invalid

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Apr 21, 2022

The bug can be worked around by checking the Panel's mode before setting it. ...