Compilation error when using Particle SubUV in Niagara Mesh Particles with Raytracing enabled.

UE - Niagara - Oct 12, 2021

The licensee has shared the following workaround for modifying NiagaraMeshVertexFactory.ush. struct FVertexFactoryInterpolantsVSToPS { TANGENTTOWORLD_INTERPOLATOR_BLOCK #if USE_PARTICLE_SUBU ...

Focus plane tracking calculations for cinecamera moves wrong direction when tracked subject moves past lens and behind camera

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Oct 11, 2021

If an actor moves behind the camera while being tracked for focus, the focus plane moves back away from the lens the same distance the actor moves behind the camera. This leads to undesirable behav ...

Focus tracking calculations for cinecamera lose precision when panning camera (moving tracking subject to edges of frame)

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Oct 11, 2021

Focus tracking calculation is off for keeping focus sharp on tracked object when object moves away from center of camera lens ...

Can't set User Param Binding to override mesh in a Niagara Mesh Renderer

UE - Niagara - Oct 7, 2021

The User Param Binding seems to be typed as UStaticMesh, which does not allow fort UObject or UNiagaraDataInterfaceStaticMesh types to be added to its drop-down, so no user parameters can be selecte ...

"Pass-By-Reference" inputs to a multicast RPC can crash

UE - Networking - Oct 6, 2021

Passing a parameter by reference for an RPC does not seem to be a supported operation, and UnrealHeaderTool will already throw an error if a networked UFUNCTION includes any OutParms. However, users ...

Decal of Emissive is not displayed on thumbnail.

UE - Graphics Features - Oct 6, 2021

Jittering appears when setting DOF in ES3.1

UE - Platform - Mobile - Oct 5, 2021

For reference, it was fine in 4.24 In particular, jittering is severe when the camera is moving. GaussianHalfRes has been removed in CL 14036168, which is likely to cause degradation issues if int ...

Fbx Importer: Make sure the blendshape curve keys have the correct tangent scale

UE - Anim - Oct 4, 2021

The tangent of the blendshape curve seam to have the wrong scale (but correct direction) from this UDN. ...

Bool input pins connected to boolean logic nodes can fail to compile

UE - Anim - Runtime - Oct 1, 2021

Bool input pins will fail to compile when connected to a boolean logic node and the node also has a float input pin that is currently connected. Compilation will fail with the error Default value ' ...