Simple HUD in Topdown template will have rendering errors if played in Immersive mode

Tools - Feb 27, 2015

Simple HUD in Topdown template will have rendering errors if played in Immersive mode (F11). It will cause a white flickering line on the left and top of the window that will start to blur as the p ...

Possible CurlHttp crash on Android dedicated server

UE - Networking - Sep 30, 2016

A user has reported that their dedicated server experienced a curlhttp crash after updating to 4.13.1 and left running for an extended period of time. Crash not reproduced internally. ...

LIVE: Attach Actor to Component crashes the editor when used after Set Simulate Physics

UE - Simulation - Physics - Oct 31, 2014

The user has attached a small project at the link to demonstrate the issue. Occurs in 4.5.1 and well as Main (//depot/UE4/Promotable-CL-2239587). Crash Reporter: [Link Removed] ...

[CrashReport] UnrealEditor-Engine!SkeletalDebugRendering::DrawBonesFromPoseWatch(FPrimitiveDrawInterface *,FAnimNodePoseWatch const &,bool) [SkeletalDebugRendering.cpp:213]

UE - Anim - Runtime - Jan 3, 2023

Generated from CrashReporter 1 user reported: "Crash when using "Toggle watch pose" in any node of the animation blueprint. The crash happens when you save the ABP after enabling toggle watch pose ...

Cannot connect to SVN on OSX even after setting up keychain

UE - Platform - Apple - Feb 9, 2015

From this AnswerHub: Reading through all the information that is given (really useful for a ...

Using /*/ to create multiline comments in header files can prevent Visual Studio from successfully building a project.

UE - Foundation - Core - Aug 7, 2015

If a multi-line comment is made in a header file using the format /*/ at the beginning and ending of the comment, UHT will fail to compile the project and will display the following errors: 1> C:/ ...

MediaFramework movies not playing properly in Shipping

Media Framework - Nov 7, 2017

`check(Samples.Pop());` this kind of `Pop()` inside of a `check()` is in a few places in MediaSampleQueue.h and MediaSamples.cpp but `check()` expands to nothing in Shipping/Test, so, required work ...

While using Rootmotion with blendout, the velocity will always fallback to 0.

UE - Anim - Gameplay - Apr 19, 2019

We skip CalcVelocity for CharacterMovement while HasAnimRootMotion, and we do ExtractedRootMotion.MakeUpToFullWeight() anyway.  This caused problem that when we blend out a rootmotion anim, it will ...

Particle Systems Feed Broken Values to Dynamic Parameters in Materials with Instanced Stereo Enabled

UE - Niagara - Jul 11, 2019

Particle Systems Feed Boroken Values to Dynamic Parameters in Materials with Instanced Stereo Enabled Working as expected in 4.21 CL# 4753647 Found in 4.22 CL# 7053642, 4.23 Preview 1 CL# 7236301, ...

Newly Created Landscape using Material with Displacement and Tessellation Flickers

UE - LD & Modeling - Terrain - Landscape - Apr 8, 2016

Upon creating a new landscape that uses a material with displacement and tessellation, the landscape and its respective components will flicker. The flickering can be removed when you begin sculptin ...