When dragging and dropping a function into a graph the action will not be added to the undo filter because of this undoing after dragging the function into the graph causes the node to change instea ...
Tessellated objects when viewed from afar flicker. When spawned into QA-Materials the player is the perfect distance away from the tessellated object for the cube to flicker. Found in both Binary 4 ...
The issue seems to have a few parts. First, active events don't persist between frames. Instead, a new active list is created each frame and diffed against the previous frame. Added events have Beg ...
When the USplineComponent::GetDistanceAlongSplineAtSplinePoint() function is called, the value returned is not accurate if the point approaches the range of 0 - 10 % or 90-100% of the spline. ...
When editing a Static function from a Blueprint Function Library, any blueprints that have already had it added are unable to be saved. This can be worked around by removing the node and adding it a ...
Semi sporadic crash is occurring when switching between profiles in UFE and then exiting out This could not be repro'd on a Win7 machine with and Nvidia 980, could not be repro'd on a Win10 machine ...
When modifying the properties of a Skylight actor as a component within Blueprints, the changes are not reflected in the Blueprint viewport. If you drag the blueprint into an empty scene and modify ...
PlayStandaloneLocalPc is used when user launches Standalone Game from editor, which loads the .uproject from UE4Editor in Engine binaries instead of loading project from project binaries. ...
r.PostProcessAAQuality is not working properly in mobile preview on source versions of the engine. ...
Several issues have been reported within the ParseHistoryResults method from PerforceSourceControlOperations: 1. Any Records that share the same filename will only display the last record with that ...