Atmospheric Fog is still being rendered within Render Targets using the 'Hidden Actors' option within a SceneCapture2D actor/component. The show flags for the actor work for Atmospheric fog and oth ...
Currently, there are some hidden constants that are used to in networking to limit sizes of arrays. After discussion, these were just chosen without much consideration other than to limit bad behav ...
Most recent user affected CL: 3106830 (4.13.0) Error message: Access violation - code c0000005 (first/second chance not available) Source Context: SelectedKeys = SplineVisualizer->GetSelectedKey ...
Crouching/Uncrouching while standing on a physics object will cause the object to behave erratically. Even if the CharacterMovement component has Physics Interaction disabled, it will still effect t ...
There are instances where HLODs will either generate a lightmap but not assign it to the correct Lightmap Coordinate index from the target lightmap setting in the HLOD outliner or the Lightmap will ...
See also ...
In ConstraintDrives.cpp, SetAngularPositionDrive and SetAngularVelocityDrive do not use "InEnableTwistDrive" and instead assign "TwistDrive" to "InEnableSwingDrive". void FAngularDriveConstraint::S ...
User confusion over Visibility/Hidden in Game track. We're running into some issues where it's only switching Hidden in Game when you Play, which essentially does nothing with lights, among other p ...
Defining a FRuntimeFloatCurve inside a code based struct causes the editor to crash if the struct is added as a local variable to a blueprint function and the "Create External Curve" button is press ...
When importing a static mesh with a second UV channel setup for the lightmap the second UV is no longer being automatically assigned as the lightmap coordinate index. In 4.12 the second UV detected ...