gismos is not rendered correctly in editor with vulkan on mobile preview

UE - Rendering Architecture - RHI - Mar 23, 2022

Artifact on DOF foreground

UE - Graphics Features - Mar 22, 2022

Object blured in foreground with blur radius larger than there size cause artifact ...

Custom Primitive Data crash when used from Static Mesh Comp attached to BP Actor

UE - Graphics Features - Mar 22, 2022

When trying to edit custom primitive data on static meshes attached to a BP actor, an out of bounds access will occur. This does not occur when the static mesh is simply on a regular Actor (Same rep ...

Sequencer: If you scrub to the end frame you will always be on a sub-frame..

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Mar 21, 2022

I'm using this option. [Image Removed] But if you scrub to the end of your shot.  You will always end up in a sub-frame. This throws some tools off like the Snapper and space-switching which do ...

Crash when "saving as" a map with a river

UE - LD & Modeling - Terrain - Water - Mar 18, 2022

Result : crash in AddTerminalVerticesForRiverSpline ...

[MetaSounds] - Sound Waves used in composition cut out after GC in packaged game if the reference graph uses a literal input

UE - Audio - MetaSounds - Mar 18, 2022

When a Sound Wave is set on a referenced node, and that node is used in composition, the Sound Wave will cut out after some time. This does not occur if the reference node uses an Input node for the ...

Event dispatchers show replication settings but don't support replication

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint Editor - Mar 18, 2022

We should ideally hide the setting, but at the very least we can make it a warning if you check it indicating it's not gonna do anything. [Link Removed] ...

"Distance Field Resolution Scale" in Build Settings is set to 0 by importing assets via "Import into a level"

UE - Editor - Content Pipeline - Import and Export - Mar 18, 2022

"Distance Field Resolution Scale" in Build Settings is set to 0 by importing assets via "Import into a level". That causes not to genarate any distance field meshes of all assets imported via "Imp ...

[MetaSounds][Trigger Route] - If Value 0 is a non-zero value and Value 1 is a zero value, the output "pops" on triggering Set

UE - Audio - MetaSounds - Mar 18, 2022

When using the Trigger Route node, if Value 0 is a non-zero value and Value 1 is a zero value, the output "pops" on set. [Link Removed] ...

Editor crashes when an Animation Blueprint Template is compiled with 'Layered Blend Per Bone' node

UE - Anim - Runtime - Mar 17, 2022

Editor crashes when an Animation Blueprint Template is compiled with 'Layered Blend Per Bone' node. ...