When ray-traced shadows are enabled, the shadow for a completely translucent mesh appears when the LOD changes based on distance. ...
The bandwidth on the biquad loepass filter is cutting frequencies well below 20kHz when the bandwidth is 1.0. Slack convo: [Link Removed] Visualization:[Image Removed] ...
Changes to the hit test grid of an invalidation panel while caching is disabled won't be respected when caching is reenabled. This can cause interactive widgets such as buttons who were set to colla ...
The Ellipsis overflow method on text widgets can cause an ensure to trip as a result of a render batch being sent with no indices. We could guard against this in SlateRHIRenderingPolicy by checking ...
Even if we support double precision numbers at core, it's impossible to enter a small number in the numeric fields. It makes sense for floats and avoids bloating the UI, but I remember a discussio ...
This issue seems to stem from HasClientLoadedCurrentWorld returning true in AGameMode::RemovePlayerControllerFromPlayerCount. When removing a player controller, the GameMode checks if a seamless tra ...
Reproduction Attempts: 3/3 Doing some additional testing for Spawnable Post Process Volumes in a level sequence, the PPV does not appear after saving the level and level sequence, closing and reope ...
From the UDN: > Open HapticsFeedbackEffect.cpp and naivgate ~ line 150; note HapticBuffer has length populated but never write the actual buffer data. LikeReplySelect as Best Seems like a simple f ...
For instances that are not a dedicated client or dedicated server (e.g. packaged games with TargetType "Game"), GIsClient will be true, but GIsServer will be false. This leads to objects that retur ...