Undoing a change in a level while a Material is open causes the Material to become dirty

UE - Rendering Architecture - Materials - Mar 10, 2022

Undoing a change in a level while a Material is open causes the Material to become dirty, but isn't indicated in the content browser only by the save changes dialog when closing the material. ...

Crash when calling SetVector2DParameter on a Niagara Parameter Collection

UE - Niagara - Mar 10, 2022

Crash when calling SetVector2DParameter on a Niagara Parameter Collection. The value for the SetVector2DParameter may or may not have to be changed in order for the crash to occur.  Assertion faile ...

Crash when enabling r.HairStrands.Visibility.PPLL

UE - Graphics Features - Mar 10, 2022

Licensee reports no crashes in EA2. It crashes in Preview 2. The project is uploaded in a BOX due to its large file size. [Link Removed] ...

Wildcard input pins will not accept a Single Precision Float output value

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Mar 9, 2022

When trying to input a Single Precision float variable into a wildcard pin, a "No matching 'Add' function for 'Float (Single Precision)" error will appear. I was able to work around this by converti ...

Gameplay Effect Modifiers with Target Tags are Applied Incorrectly

UE - Gameplay - Gameplay Ability System - Mar 9, 2022

If you have a Gameplay Effect that uses an Attribute Modifiers, and this modifier has Target Tags specified, the modifier is applied unexpectedly:Adding a Required tag on the Target, the modifier do ...

New C++ Class (actor) fails to build

UE - Foundation - Cpp Tools - Mar 8, 2022

While trying to create a C++ actor to test if it can be created with a custom Copyright notice specified in Project Settings, the Live Coding window returns a "Build failed" and error of: "ERROR: U ...

'Open Help Url' on the 'DocumentaionLink' in templates leads to a private Youtube playlist from 4.8

UE - Content - Template - Mar 7, 2022

'Open Help Url' on the 'DocumentaionLink' in templates leads to a private Youtube playlist from 4.8 instead of more recent documentation or updated videos. ...

MetaSound Sources containing a reference to a MetaSound asset changes the referenced name if the referenced MetaSound asset is duplicated

UE - Audio - MetaSounds - Mar 4, 2022

MetaSound Sources containing a reference to a MetaSound asset changes names if the referenced MetaSound asset is duplicated. This only happens every time the original MetaSound asset is duplicate. I ...