Screen/Playable window flickers when playing in Standalone on Windows 10. A few users are reporting this issue which is exclusive to Windows 10 and Standalone mode. There is another issue the could ...
The editor crashes when pasting a comment box from a blueprint into a behavior tree. Found in 4.12.1 binary. Reproduced in 4.11.2 binary and Main CL 3005971 Source Context94 95 fo ...
Widget node IsHovered does not register a TouchUp when you TouchDown onto a touchscreen device. It keeps the same x,y coordinates when moving your finger along the screen. I have spoken with Chris ...
Static lighting will not bounce on the ceiling when using a Layered Material. The Material Attributes Layers node is used which doesn't appear in 4.24.3 so this isn't a regression. This was report ...
Using the Nativize Blueprint Assets option can cause the extents of a collision component defined in code and inherited by blueprints to use its default values in a packaged build instead of the ext ...
When using a Japanese keyboard, using Japanese language input special key(halfwidth/fullwidth/kanji key) zooms out graph view in BP editor and Material editor. It seems the menu key makes the editor ...
When using the node Export Render Target it appears that the image produces does not display as expected and appears blank when used on Android ...
When the scale of an actor is set to 0 in either X, Y or Z any overlap events will fail to trigger overlap events. ...
TGA files do not have an image icon like the JPG files do in the Slate Dialogs in Linux. ...
Having an actor blueprint (A) that contains an array variable of references to another actor (B) that is connected to a Length node and a Vector array that is connected to a ForEachLoop causes bluep ...