Crash Report output - Add external app filepath conversion to ReportCrashUsingCrashReportClient()

UE - Foundation - Core - May 18, 2016

Sandbox mode not dealt with here... const FString CrashContextXMLPath = FPaths::Combine( *FPaths::GameLogDir(), *CrashContext.GetUniqueCrashName(), FPlatformCrashContext::CrashContextRuntimeXML ...

Morph Targets in Skeletal Mesh LODs do not behave correctly

OLD - Anim - May 18, 2016

Morph Targets in Skeletal Mesh LODs do not behave correctly This is a REGRESSION, does not occur in 4.11 ...

Warning: Failed to find object 'Object /Engine/Tutorial/SubEditors/PersonaAnimEditorTutorial.PersonaAnimEditorTutorial_C'

Docs - May 18, 2016

The following error has occurred in packaging logs for UE4.11 and UE4.12Preview: LogInit:Display: LogUObjectGlobals:Warning: Failed to find object 'Object /Engine/Tutorial/SubEditors/PersonaAnimEd ...

Scaling skeletal mesh components breaks capsule shadows

UE - Graphics Features - May 18, 2016

Increasing the scale of a skeletal mesh actor with Capsule Shadows set to true causes the shadow to appear chunky and broken. Regression (No), feature was not present in 4.10.4. ...

Crash Importing Skeletal Mesh LODs with a lot of morph targets

OLD - Anim - May 18, 2016

Crash Importing Skeletal Mesh LODs with a lot of morph targets Error message: Assertion failed: (Index >= 0) & (Index < ArrayNum) [Link Removed] [Line: 785] Array index out of bounds: 2 from an ar ...

Moving a component in the main viewport does not call PostEditComponentMove() function

Tools - May 18, 2016

When a non-root component for an actor is moved in the blueprint viewport, that component's PostEditComponentMove function is called. Adding the actor to the main editor viewport and then moving th ...

FMultiReaderSingleWriterGT isn't thread safe

UE - Foundation - Core - May 17, 2016

From I've found that FMultiReaderSingleWriterGT has at least 2 bugs: The one that caused a deadlock ...

In Compiler Results, Link to Compiler Error Navigates to Main Editor Window Instead of Node in Blueprint

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - May 17, 2016

When there is in error in a Blueprint that causes the blueprint to fail, in the Compiler Results tab, the link to the node with the error will navigate to the main editor window instead of directing ...

Renaming Blackboard Key Not Updating Behavior Tree References

UE - AI - May 17, 2016

When renaming a blackboard key using the Entry Name box in the key's details panel, the names of the references in the behavior tree are not updated automatically. This is inconsistent behavior be ...

Attempting to Paste Behavior Tree Task with Decorators Pastes to Wrong Location

UE - AI - May 17, 2016

Attempting to paste a task that contains decorators does not paste it near the mouse location, and pastes it off screen instead. Found in 4.11.2 binary. Reproduced in 4.12 Preview 4 binary and Main ...