Landscape Tutorial Missing a Word

Docs - Dec 9, 2019

In the Landscape Tutorial Overview there is a word missing in the tutorial. ...

Previewing Nav Mesh in DX12 Mode causes Editor to Crash

UE - Graphics Features - Mar 7, 2016

In UE4.11p6, previewing Nav Mesh in DX12 Mode causes Editor to crash. ...

Collision Not Working on Dynamically Spawned Objects While Using 'Cook Blueprint Component Data for Faster Instancing at Runtime'

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Dec 13, 2016

Dynamically spawned objects' collision does not seem to be working in a packaged game when the Cook Blueprint Component Data for Faster Instancing at Runtime option is enabled. Found in 4.14.1. Un ...

Color and Opacity animation option does not play for Button component

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Aug 25, 2017

Color and Opacity animation option does not play for Button component, this occurs both in the Widget editor and during play. This issue is not a regression Versions Tested: 4.16.3 - CL: 3561208 - ...

BP Component is not destructible if the Object Type is set during runtime

UE - Simulation - Physics - Destruction - Mar 16, 2015

BP Component is not destructible if the Object Type is set during runtime. If the Object Type is set manually before PIE is started, the BP component will destroy correctly. ...

Adding Variable to Struct (Exposed on Spawn) breaks SpawnActor functionality without error/warning

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Aug 16, 2018

Adding a variable to a Struct used with SpawnActor breaks functionality without warning. Workaround: Clear Class from SpawnActor and reassign same class User Cites Blueprint Compile manager as fau ...

Networked Root Motion Sources can experience desynchronisation that is not present in animation root motion under forced adjustment

UE - Gameplay - Feb 13, 2024

In a networked environment with high packet loss (or high forced adjustment factor), motion applied using Root Motion Sources can desynchronise under conditions that animation root motion does not. ...

Matinee movie recording is broken in 4.10

Tools - Dec 18, 2015

When trying to record a movie from a matinee in 4.10, it can fail for a number of reasons: 1. The folder does not exist 2. The cinematic view modes do not take effect 3. Trying to record a streamin ...

Editor Crashing on Details Panel when Calling ForceRefresh

Tools - May 30, 2018

Editing bool of the nested child CrashableDataAsset causes crash. Expected: CrashableDataAsset children are properly assigned. Result: Engine crash ...

BP timelines: when converting internal curve to external, the external curve isn't used until BP is recompiled

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint Editor - Aug 28, 2023

Blueprint timelines: when converting an internal curve to an external curve asset, the curve asset's data isn't used until the blueprint is recompiled. This is confusing as there is no indication th ...