This comes from a UDN report. [Link Removed] When launching the editor with -game, if a material contains a null expression (for instance because that material expression has been removed), the bin ...
When validating a changelist, unrelated errors to the changelist can appear. Here's an example of running the validation on a cl named "temp cl" which just contains a single actor "Cylinder". The A ...
Can be worked around with always keeping a viewport opened. [Link Removed] ...
If an attempt to spawn an actor is made before the Level Editor Viewport is fully initialized (i.e. before it has had a chance to get rendered at least once), and that actor has no specific Factory ...
In the Level Editor's "File" menu, there is a "Favorite Levels" list, which is persisted in the config file "EditorPerProjectUserSettings.ini" under section "[FavoriteFiles]". Manually editing this ...
The package that contains the PCGGrapch is dirtied on load (UPackage::SetDirtyFlag) which triggers a resave operation. I traced it back to the following callstack: UnrealEditor-CoreUObject.dll!UPac ...
a fix was proposed in the UDN but it needs to be tested and revised ...
The message can be resolved by resaving the actor desc. ...
UDN users have reported that expensive scene captures stall the render thread due to RDG flushing the RHI thread for resource deletion. This only needs to happen once per frame. ...