Variable watch within state machines is broken

UE - Anim - Runtime - Anim Blueprints - Jan 21, 2022

Watching variables within states seems to be broken. See repro steps for details. ...

Changelists window refreshes excessively

UE - Editor - Workflow Systems - Jan 21, 2022

When View Changelists window is opened, users are reporting slowdowns from actions such as moving actors (external actors). ...

[Sequencer][Audio] - Soloing a nested audio track mutes all tracks

UE - Audio - Sequencer - Jan 20, 2022

When soloing an audio track in sequencer, all the tracks are muted and nothing in soloed. Attached video shows Mute working correctly followed by Solo not working[Link Removed] Cannot reproduce i ...

Deleting a Sync Marker created by an Animation modifier deletes all Sync Marks made by the Animation Modifier

UE - Anim - Jan 14, 2022

Using the delete key or context menu to delete a single sync marker created by an Animation Modifier deletes all sync markers created by the Animation Modifier. If all the markers are deleted, and ...

Adding a key to an Absolute transform section will accumulate an extra transform offset when a transform override is set on a sequence.

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Jan 13, 2022

The keyed transform value will have the origin offset applied to it when it should not be.  ...

Creating a function with parameter type TEnumAsByte<MyEnum> will crash while compiling

UE - Editor - Workflow Systems - Jan 11, 2022

This is a regression.This does not affect UE5. Creating a function with parameter type TEnumAsByte<MyEnum> will crash while compiling. In 4.26 and UE5 the code compiles without issue, and the user ...

ListView crashes when GlobalInvalidation is enabled.

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Slate - Jan 11, 2022

Reverting to the fix in [Link Removed] (CL#17788567) will avoid the crash. ...

EOS Voice plugin causes a crash after adding "DefaultPlatformService=EOS" to the DefaultEngine.ini then restarting the editor

UE - Online - Jan 10, 2022

This is not a regression. Doesn't affect UE5. The editor crashes on start up after enabling EOS Voice Chat, and updating the .ini to include DefaultPlatformService=EOS. Removing DefaultPlatformServ ...

User INI settings should be able to load/save to/from iCloud on tvOS and optionally iOS.

UE - Platform - Mobile - Jan 10, 2022

UGameUserSettings just uses the ini file system and GameUserSettings to save/load user settings. on tvOS these files are not truly persistent and we should support loading GameUserSettings from iClo ...

Editor crashes when creating a new level while the current level contains an Actor with an Actor Sequence Component

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Jan 5, 2022

This is not a regression. Tested in: //UE5/Main CL18218925 Binary - Crashed //UE5/Release-5.0 CL16682836 Binary - Crashed //UE4/Release-4.27 CL Binary - Crashed Having a level open that contains a ...