Can move individual mesh instances of a regular instanced mesh component in the blueprint editor, but not hierarchical ones. Originally reported as a pull request in [Link Removed], but we rejected ...
USTRUCT(BlueprintType) struct FTestStruct { GENERATED_USTRUCT_BODY() UPROPERTY(BlueprintReadWrite) uint32 ValueC : 1 ; UPROPERTY(BlueprintReadWrite) uint32 ValueD : 1 ; }; A ...
Spawning a child of a child blueprint in a blueprint macro library forces the child blueprint into opening as a data only blueprint without the option to open the Event Graph. Regression? (Yes), i ...
After adding a third party plugin to a project and restarting as prompted, closing the editor again causes a crash. Crash Reporter Link: [Link Removed] Additional Note: This crash was encountered ...
[NickW] This needs to pull the Play Bounds from Vive. The old soft / hard bounds system appears to be partially deprecated The Get bounds node does not appear to return the correct in game chaper ...
Crash occurs while Playing in Editor and debugging by reloading textures. Occurs for both Mac and PC. Regression: Does not occur in UE4.10 testing on Match 3 ...
If the user presses F5 while using the Vive in VR preview the editor will crash ...
When the mouse cursor is shown, and you press eject in the viewport, you can no longer rotate the camera while holding right click and moving the mouse. If you hide the mouse cursor using the Show ...
When a button's normal style is set to box and another widget is added to this buttons canvas panel when the button is clicked the button loses its image settings. ...
Garbage Collection is causing noticeable hitches on whatever interval it is run on. This is noticeable in the UE4 Profiler, as you will see a spike every X amount of seconds, depending on how often ...