Infrequent WaitingTask->IsCompleted crash related to FNiagaraSubmixListener closing QAGame -game

UE - Audio - Submixes - Jan 5, 2022

Infrequent WaitingTask->IsCompleted crash related to FNiagaraSubmixListener closing QAGame -game Unsure if related to [Link Removed] it was spawned from a group of oodle crashes and this is distinc ...

Cook issue, the morph target from the running platform can replace the target platform

UE - Editor - Content Pipeline - Asset Build - Jan 5, 2022

[AI] Compilation error when using const version of FNavigationPath::CastPath<PathClass>() const

UE - AI - Navigation - Jan 5, 2022

Const version of function is not used elsewhere in the engine so it usually gets skipped when compiling. Produces the following error when compiling:  UnrealEngine\Engine\Source\Runtime\Navigation ...

MoviePipeline: Python Editor example can double-up objects in-scene

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Jan 4, 2022

See the UDN for sample project. This is caused by the Editor Python sample not using the UMoviePipelineQueueSubsystem, which (when rendering) blocks the Sequencer from auto-binding to PIE. The fix ...

Custom Primitive Data types do not work with Procedural Meshes even though the option exists in their Details Panel

UE - LD & Modeling - Modeling Tools - Dec 16, 2021

This is a not a regression. Tested in UE5(Binary), UE4(Binary), and UE5 Main(P4). Procedural Meshes have the option for CPDs listed in their details panel under Rendering > Advanced >Custom Primit ...

iOS launch screen storyboard is never released

UE - Platform - Mobile - Dec 15, 2021

Stencil that has been marked with ResponsiveAA is cleared by DistortionPass

UE - Graphics Features - Dec 14, 2021

From UDN: When an object with ResponsiveAA enabled is in the screen and then an object with Distortion enabled comes into the screen, ResponsiveAA does not work. ​ I guess this is because the Ste ...

/std:c++17 key is hidden in generated .vcxproj after adding it to the BuildConfiguration.xml

UE - Foundation - Cpp Tools - Dec 10, 2021

As far as I can tell this is a regression. After including C++17 in the build configuration it shouldn't be hidden in the .vcxproj? ...