CachedMaxDrawDistance value are not updated by CullDistanceVolume in persistent Level

UE - World Creation - Worldbuilding Tools - World Composition - Dec 16, 2022

in PIE, RerunConstructionScript() is executed and actor's CachedMaxDrawDistance is updated as expected. in packaged game, RerunConstructionScript() is not executed  so, CullDistanceVolume is not u ...

Custom Events set to Replicate do not show the replication information on the node until the Editor is restarted

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Mar 3, 2015

Custom Events set to Replicate do not show the replication information on the node until the Editor is restarted. For example, after setting a Custom Event to Multicast, the "Replicated From Server ...

Inherited components in Child Blueprints cannot be dragged into the Event Graph to access their variables

UE - Gameplay - Components - May 6, 2015

Inherited components in Child Blueprints cannot be dragged into the Event Graph to access their variables. Searching for the Getter in the Event Graph works as expected. This seems inconsistent with ...

Reimporting a skeletal mesh by dragging FBX to content browser crashes editor

Tools - Nov 12, 2015

Reimporting a skeletal mesh by dragging FBX to content browser crashes the editor. I suspect something is wrong with the FBX. The user reported that the data is from Blender. FBX file attached for ...

Begin and End Overlap events continuously trigger while a character moves within a collision component of a Blueprint Actor that Simulates Physics if the collision component has Auto Weld enabled

UE - Gameplay - Jun 29, 2015

Begin and End Overlap events continuously trigger while a character moves within a collision component of a Blueprint Actor that Simulates Physics if the collision component has Auto Weld enabled. ...

DataTable::LoadStructData allocating wrong size

UE - Foundation - Core - Oct 5, 2016

Pointed out by a licensee here: UDataTableを読みこんだ際のメモリ破壊について When reading the `UDataTable, in DataTable::LoadStructData()` the contents of the struct are interpreted[Image Removed], but the size of ...

Reflection looks much darker on Mobile Preview vs PC

UE - Graphics Features - Jan 13, 2021

UPDATE: This is primarily due to the fact that it runs as Fullyrough on Mobile as long as a Constant 1 value was feed. Also on Mobile the FullyRough shading looks like simply remove all Highlights/R ...

Attached Project Crashes When Moving Child Actor Components in Blueprints

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - May 3, 2016

The editor crashes when moving a child actor component in the blueprint viewport. This has not been reproduced in a clean project, and only seems to be occurring in the user project where they have ...

Poses Asset UI doesn't update correctly when updating from new source animation

OLD - Anim - Jul 11, 2016

If the user updates to a new Source Animation for a pose asset, while a pose was active in the viewport (weight set to 1.0), the pose will be set to 0.0 in the pose list even though it's still activ ...

Physics Constraint Actor Won't Disable Collision Between Two Actors That Are Already Colliding

UE - Simulation - Physics - Feb 17, 2020

Meshes that are colliding that are set as constraint actors don't follow the Physics Constraint Actors "Disable Collision" parameter if they are colliding prior to being set as constrained actors. ...