Metasounds - Using the Audio Component Play Node with a start timer other than 0 results in the Metasound ceasing to function

UE - Audio - MetaSounds - Dec 2, 2021

Metasounds cease functionality if called to Play with a different start time other than 0. This extends to the Metasound editor where pressing play to preview the sound also ceases to function. ...

The showdebug abilitysystem command crashes editor when the target is a child actor

UE - Gameplay - Dec 2, 2021

An actor with an AbilitySystemComponent that is spawned by a ChildActorComponent will have a null AbilityActorInfo. This leads to a crash in the ASC when GetDebugTarget attempts to access AbilityAct ...

Incorrect relative location on client under certain attachment conditions

UE - Networking - Nov 30, 2021

An attached actor's relative location isn't correct on the client when the actor has its position changed to that of the parent actor before attaching with the "Keep World" location rule. On the cli ...

Path Tracing denoiser is not stable in animation

UE - Graphics Features - Nov 30, 2021

When rendering an animation with the path tracer through MovieRenderQueue, at low sampling rates the denoiser produces splotchy results that flicker from frame to frame. The current denoiser (Ope ...

Path Tracing - HDRIBackdrop contributing twice

UE - Graphics Features - Path Tracer - Nov 30, 2021

The setup for HDRIBackdrop leads to double-counting of the illumination between the skydome and the geometry in the path tracer. ...

Multiple Blueprint compilation passes required to fix up event binding to dispatcher after event rename

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint Compiler - Nov 30, 2021

Renaming a custom event bound to an event dispatcher via a Create Event node requires two compilation passes to fix up the binding.  upd. Regression was checked on //UE4/Release-4.26 CL 15973114, i ...

UAnimInstance::GetInstanceTransitionTimeElapsed does NOT consider TransitionIndex

UE - Anim - Runtime - Nov 29, 2021

GetInstanceTransitionTimeElapsed doesn't use TransitionIndex. float UAnimInstance::GetInstanceTransitionTimeElapsed(int32 MachineIndex, int32 TransitionIndex) { // Just an alias for readabili ...

The drawing order of widgets becomes wrong when GlobalInvalidation is enabled,

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Slate - Nov 26, 2021

When trying to create a widget with specific steps, the drawing order may not be correct. This is not reproduced when Global Invalidation is disabled, and the state can be restored. This issue is pr ...