Attempting to apply instance changes to blueprint after altering a struct array crashes editor

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Dec 14, 2015

Editor crashes if a struct array that has been made editable is edited in an instance within the details pane of the level viewport, then the changes are applied from the instance to the base bluepr ...

Material editor: Custom node doesn't generate error in stats output

UE - Graphics Features - Aug 22, 2018

In 4.20 custom code material nodes no longer output their errors to the stats window. ...

Crash editor when open the level sequencer after updated 4.20

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Jan 8, 2019

When migrating from the version before 4.20 to the version after 4.20, opening the level sequencer will crash. I think that there is a problem with conversion from SnapTimeInterval (FixedFrameInterv ...

Skylight does not honor the Visibility settings when hidden

UE - Graphics Features - Sep 19, 2016

The Skylight actor cannot be disabled when using 'Hide' from the right-click context menu or using the visibility eye icon in the World Outliner. ...

Dark Artifacts Appear On Meshes With "Use As Occluder" After Enabling DBuffer Decals

UE - Graphics Features - Feb 13, 2017

Objects set to "us as occluder" will create dark artifacts from certain view angles. For this to occur "DBuffer Decals" need to be enabled in the project settings. The licensee has noted that addi ...

Audio tracks with multiple subtracks will paste parent track when a subtrack is copied and pasted in Sequencer

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Aug 8, 2019

Copying and pasting audio subtracks will paste the parent track and its subtracks not just the selected subtrack. ...

Decals can't use TransformLocalPositionToWorld material node

UE - Graphics Features - Jun 1, 2021

Likely we just need to create a new macro to enable TransformLocalPositionToWorld and TransformLocalPositionToPrevWorld in alternative use cases such as this. ...

Contact offset multiplier no longer working

UE - Simulation - Physics - May 10, 2019

Changes in physics code have caused rolling objects to behave differently. Conf ...

GenerateVisibileRayTracingMeshCommands Severely Reduces Foliage Performance Even if no RayTracing is Used

UE - Graphics Features - Lumen - Sep 18, 2019

GenerateVisibileRayTracingMeshCommands Severely Reduces Foliage Performance Even if no RayTracing is Used. Found in 4.23 CL# 8386587 and 4.24 CL# 8748719 ...

Landscape smooth and flatten tools deform the terrain incorrectly

UE - LD & Modeling - Terrain - Landscape - May 25, 2022

The Landscape smooth and flatten tools can deform the landscape incorrectly causing chunks of the landscape to be removed (see attached image). ...