Stale VSM pages after HLOD transition

UE - Graphics Features - Shadows - May 23, 2024

Virtual Shadow Maps do not invalidate pages when HLODs replace meshes. This can lead to inconsistencies between the geometry and the shadows, which can cause artifacts as pages are invalidated. ...

LogAssetRegistry Error produces a path error when referring to assets on a junction/hard link/soft link

UE - Foundation - Core - Cooker - May 23, 2024

IAssetRegistry::GetChecked().ScanPathsSynchronous() now eventually calls FPathExistence::LoadExistenceData and logs the errorFPathExistence failed to gather correct capitalization from disk for <p ...

Baking lighting on Nanite landscape crashes the editor

UE - Graphics Features - May 23, 2024

When static lighting is baked using CPU lightmass for a nanite-enabled landscape it causes an editor crash with this assert: ...\Lightmass.cpp] [Line: 546] Attempting to add the same material twice ...

NavMesh debug material color is changed by lighting with high lux values.

UE - AI - Debugging - May 23, 2024

There is a clear difference in color saturation for the nav mesh debug material between when lit by a light with low lux values (6) and when lit with high lux values (1000) and eye adaption is enabl ...

RayTracingGeometry.UpdateRHI(); crashes at checkf BuildParams.IsEmpty()

UE - Rendering Architecture - May 22, 2024

When custom RayTracingGeometry is created, a crash is triggered by an assert at: Engine\Source\Runtime\Engine\Private\Rendering\RayTracingGeometryManager.cpp line 252  "Unexpected entries in BuildP ...

XR -ARKit - Tracked Planes are not attached to the real world objects when moving the camera around

UE - Platform - XR - May 22, 2024

When the user attempts to place an object on a tracked plane it slides around the environment not staying in the expected place. Using the ARDebugcheck project with the show planes option you can se ...

Volumes visible on screen cannot be selected with box selection if "Box Select Occluded Objects" is enabled

UE - Editor - Workflow Systems - May 22, 2024

When using box selection with "Box Select Occluded Objects" enabled, volumes in the box selection zone are not able to be selected. ...

Static lighting crash on 5.4 when using landscape with WPO

UE - LD & Modeling - Terrain - Landscape - May 22, 2024

When static lighting is built for a landscape with "Use Material Position Offset in Static Lighting" enabled it causes an editor crash. Licensee mentioned it was likely caused by a commit for 5.4, C ...

Crash on FPBDIslandManager::Reset() when exiting PIE

UE - Simulation - Physics - Solver - May 21, 2024

The editor might crash when stopping PIE in some scenarios ...