We need a mechanism to gracefully handle cases when an NP-simulated object changes net roles from autonomous to simulated, and vice versa. The most common case happens when a client player possesses ...
Occurs 5/5 Times RootMotion of an animation asset is not retained when retargeting Root Motion Animation asset from UE4 to UE5. ...
Restart Player at Transform inside of GameModeBase leaves the character unpossessed when called. Repro Rate: 4/4 Tested in //UE4/Release-4.27 @ CL#18319896 and the player character successfully re ...
Blueprint Viewport isn't interactable while a Window from the Sidebar is expanded. ...
[Image Removed] ...
The ControlRig does not seem to evaluate until you open the ControlRig asset, or if you hit compile. Another interesting thing is if you hit compile again stops working. This does not work for all ...
Setting a parameter on a Sound Cue from Blueprints more than once is not working. The first time a parameter is set works, but any following sets are ignored. This is a regression and does not occu ...
When a blueprint class that contains an instanced property is used as the class for a child actor template, recompiling that class results in a disconnect between the instanced subobject in the blue ...
Unable to bind float variables to certain properties in Widget elements. You are able to bind Structure floats if needed as a workaround. Repro Rate: 3/3 Tested this in //UE4/Release-4.27 @ CL#183 ...