TransformVector WorldToTangent in Material editor seems to form incorrect HLSL

UE - Rendering Architecture - Materials - Nov 9, 2021

Subobject delimiter replacement in ResolveName can cause previously valid strings to exceed NAME_SIZE

UE - Foundation - Core - UObject - Nov 8, 2021

ResolveName will replace the subobject delimiter (colon) with two periods. This increases the length of the string, and can cause asserts due to the string exceeding NAME_SIZE even when the name was ...

Pending Take automatically sets Sequencer to Allow All Edits

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Nov 8, 2021

Virtual Production stage using "Allow Sequencer Edits Only" as default setting to avoid boxes in Multiuser session accidentally submitting level edits to the session and thereby corrupting the "base ...

Crash on opening Control Rig asset that was created in UE5-EA

UE - Anim - Rigging - Control Rig - Nov 8, 2021

This issue was found from an external user on Twitter using UE5-Early Access - [Link Removed] The crash happens on asset load.  User says that they were following Gabriele's video - [Link Removed] ...

Actor channel unable to go dormant if replication key is not changed

UE - Networking - Nov 4, 2021

If the subobject's RepKey is not updated after setting the actor to go dormant, then the subobject won't be replicated. This causes FObjectReplicator::ReadyForDormancy to return false for the subobj ...

Crash when reimporting SkeletalMesh with custom LOD

UE - Editor - Content Pipeline - Import and Export - Oct 29, 2021

In the case of "Reimport Base Mesh + LODs", there is no crash. ...

MoviePipeline: Can't inherit from UMoviePipelineSetting in BP due to PURE_VIRTUAL

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Oct 28, 2021

IsValidOnMaster/IsValidOnShot need to be BlueprintNativeEvents with a default C++ implementation and allow derived classes to override the function. This is needed so that you can create custom set ...

USkeletalMesh::SetSkeleton function is not a BlueprintSetter

UE - Editor - Content Pipeline - Asset Build - Oct 28, 2021

I have a fix ready for this in cl: 17967661 ...

FBXUVs can create null entries that will assert later

UE - Editor - Content Pipeline - Import and Export - Oct 28, 2021

Need to make sure we support nullptr entries or make sure we do not create such null entries. ...

Instances of Blueprints implemented native interface cannot be assigned to interface variables

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Oct 28, 2021

FInterfaceProperty::SerializeItem (and ImportText) attempt to determine if the passed in object implements the interface in question. They do this by calling GetInterfaceAddress, which tries to get ...