Apex Cloth LOD distortion occurs after World Origin Rebase

UE - Simulation - Physics - Character - Sep 13, 2017

There is a distortion that occurs with Apex cloth when changing the World Origin location. This distortion occurs when you approach after the world origin has been changed. This issue is similar to ...

DataTable Vertical offset when using Windows scaling above 100%

Tools - Jun 22, 2018

If the windows scaling is set above 100% the rows in a data table will become misaligned as more members are added to the data table. Regression: Yes Did not occur in 4.17 - 3658906 Does occur in ...

"Pausing" A TimeSynth causes a crash

UE - Audio - Oct 10, 2019

Clicking and holding anywhere on the editor outside the viewport when PIE causes a crash. The AudioRendering thread throws the following assert: Assertion failed: FreeClipIndex < PlayingClipsPool_Au ...

LiDAR assets do not render in after relaunching the engine

UE - Editor - Content Pipeline - Datasmith - Aug 15, 2023

LiDar point clouds are failing to render when saving and relaunching the project This issue is occurring in //UE5/Release-5.3 @ CL 26560699 This issue is occurring in //UE5/Release-5.3 @ CL 2600198 ...

Arithmetic assignment operators (e.g. +=, *=) in Niagara inputs are applied twice .

UE - Niagara - Jan 9, 2024

Arithmetic assignment operators seem to be applied twice when committed in the Niagara stack.  This occurs when entering *= 2.0 for example into a float input. This may be the result of the SNiagar ...

Datasmith Tessellation does not work as operator in the visual dataprep

UE - Editor - Content Pipeline - Visual Dataprep - Aug 18, 2021

Graphical issues in editor after changing monitor resolution on Linux

UE - Platform - Linux - Feb 23, 2017

Changing the monitor resolution on Linux causes Editor windows to show graphic errors. ...

Sprites/Flipbooks only render in left eye with Instanced Stereo Rendering enabled

UE - Platform - XR - Aug 30, 2018

Paper2D sprites render only in left eye with Instanced Stereo enabled. Also confirmed in Main CL 4329255 ...

Forward Rendering Lightmap Density view flicker

UE - Graphics Features - Aug 20, 2019

The shaders flicker when in Lightmap Density viewmode after enabling Instanced Stereo Rendering in Project Settings > Engine > Rendering > VR  Tested in 4.21.2 (CL - 4753647) 4.22.3 (CL - 7053647), ...

Coordinate indicator disappears when entering landscape editing mode

Tools - Oct 24, 2016

Coordinate indicator disappears when entering landscape editing mode. The indicator disappears after switching to landscape mode in the editor Note: This appears to work in 4.13.2 ...