Enabling Use Pawn Control Rotation on a SpringArm component does not set the rotation values to zero, and subsequent rotation is not allowed after the setting is disabled

UE - Gameplay - Player Movement - Jan 2, 2016

Enabling Use Pawn Control Rotation on a SpringArm component does not set the rotation values to zero. Subsequently disabling Pawn Use Control Rotation make rotation of the component impossible until ...

Mac project being rejected from app store over read/write access

UE - Platform - Apple - Jan 20, 2016

Game was rejected from the Mac App Store for attempting gain read/write access to directories which weren't permitted. Reporter of issue has proposed a possible fix on his AnswerHub post: These tw ...

ServerTravel from a map with a GameMode set to Use Seamless Travel and then ServerTravel back from a map without Seamless Travel enabled will crash the editor

UE - Networking - Mar 3, 2015

ServerTravel from a map with a GameMode set to Use Seamless Travel and then ServerTravel back from a map without Seamless Travel enabled will crash the editor. Reproduced in 4.7.1 binary and Main ( ...

SubCategory of UFUNCTION does NOT work properly if using CallInEditor

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint Editor - Sep 20, 2022

If you use both Category hierarchy and CallInEditor in UFUNCTION, it will result in an unintended sequence as shown below. [Image Removed] And, the following code can solve this issue void FDetai ...

Garbage Collection Causing Noticeable Hitches

UE - Foundation - Core - Apr 11, 2016

Garbage Collection is causing noticeable hitches on whatever interval it is run on. This is noticeable in the UE4 Profiler, as you will see a spike every X amount of seconds, depending on how often ...

Dithered LOD Transition does not work on some mobile devices

UE - Platform - Mobile - Aug 27, 2019

I tested with some mobile devices and Dithered LOD Transition did not work on Huawei P20 Pro. This problem does not occur with Snapdragon. This problem does not occur with Snapdragon like Pixel 3. ...

Initializing custom Component on Actor in constructor causes odd hierarchy and details panel issues

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Feb 19, 2019

When testing with a simple setup, as follows: MySceneComponent has a UProperty(VisibleAnywhere, BlueprintReadOnly) of a USphereComponent pointer, initiated in the Constructor AMyActor has a UProper ...

WildCard Inputs/Outputs Propogate Incorrectly in Macros

UE - Gameplay - Dec 13, 2019

When a macro takes in a two Wildcard inputs and two Wildcard outputs connecting a variable to one assigns the value of all the outputs even if they don't connect (check attached image). You can see ...

Cannot Add Collision to an EQS Testing Pawn

UE - AI - Jan 6, 2016

Attempting to add collision to an EQSTestingPawn class is not possible, as the inherited capsule component seems to override any new collision. Simulating with the inherited capsule will cause the P ...

Attached Project Crashes Intermittently On FTickTaskLevel::ScheduleTickFunctionCooldowns()

UE - Gameplay - Apr 20, 2016

The user's project is crashing during PIE on FTickTaskLevel::ScheduleTickFunctionCooldowns(). Source Context: 798 else 799 { 800 CumulativeCooldown += ComparisonTickFuncti ...