Clothing Data Cannot Be Created If The Old Data Was Deleted While Applied

UE - Simulation - Physics - Character - Jan 16, 2020

When you delete clothing data on a skeletal mesh before removing it you cannot apply new clothing data. The engine still thinks that there is clothing data is applied. I tested using the Paragon: Tw ...

Alembic Geometry Cache is corrupted on reopening of project leading to crash

UE - Foundation - Core - Dec 20, 2016

Alembic Geometry Cache crash when re-opening the project and a map that contains this asset or adding it to any existing/new levels will instantly crash the editor. This asset works correctly in the ...

Window to select Skeletal Mesh does not pop up when editing a new IK asset

UE - Anim - Rigging - Retargeting - Apr 26, 2023

When opening a new IK rig, the window that prompts the user to select a skeletal mesh does not open immediately. However, a skeletal mesh can still be selected in the details panel in the IK window. ...

Crash when loading the tutorials for 'Landscape Painting Mode' and 'Landscape Sculpting Mode'

Tools - Jun 6, 2017

A crash occurs when starting either the Landscape Painting Mode or Landscape Sculpting Mode tutorials. It crashes even if a landscape is already in the level. This is similar to [Link Removed], h ...

[CrashReport] Integer divide-by-zero | RHIGetRenderQueryResult() [d3d11query.cpp:59]

UE - Graphics Features - Aug 29, 2017

This is a common and longstanding crash that has occurred since at least the 4.15 release and has affected more than 200 users. User Descriptionsafter opening a projectwas just trying to start a pr ...

Bound Variables In UMG Are Deleted As Unused If Not Used In The Graph Window

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Mar 18, 2020

If a variable is bound in the Design Window of a User Widget asset it will be deleted if you use the menu option "Delete all unused variables". Found in 4.24.3 CL#11590370 Reproduced in 4.23.1 CL#9 ...

Copy/pasting a Custom Event that has input names containing spaces will create a Custom Event with extra inputs

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Feb 4, 2015

Copy/pasting a Custom Event that has input names containing spaces will create a Custom Event with extra inputs. It appears that an input name with a space in it will be copied as two inputs, the fi ...

UV Layout Changes on export from Engine to Maya and Max

UE - Editor - Content Pipeline - Import and Export - Jan 19, 2015

The UV layout of a Mesh is altered slightly when exported from the engine. It becomes more noticeable on objects as their UV Islands shrink in size. Given a default full 0-1 unwrap it looks like t ...

FBX Transform does not scale skeletal mesh with multiple pieces properly using the Import Uniform Scale option

UE - Editor - Content Pipeline - Import and Export - Aug 15, 2016

Importing a skeletal mesh fbx from blender and setting the Import Uniform Scale option for the mesh to a higher value, like 100, results in only one of the meshes being scaled while the other is lef ...

Setting multiple identical actors to replicate movement will crash on PIE with multiple players

UE - Networking - Jan 28, 2015

If ten or more of the same actor in a level have the "replicate movement" checkbox set to true, the editor will crash on PIE if the number of players is set to 2 (or with 1/2/3 players if dedicated ...