MoviePipeline: HighRes Tiling feature crashes at high resolutions

UE - Anim - Sequencer - MRQ - Jan 4, 2023

If you run with -rdgimmediate -onethread you can get the callstack that indicates that MRQ is still attempting to allocate the full sized texture and not the individual tile size. ...

Trace Hit.Z varies strangely based on trace start/end Z

OLD - Anim - May 8, 2017

The Z value of a trace hit will vary based on the Z value of the start/end points of the trace. The larger the start/end Z range, the larger the variance of Hit.Z values. ...

Audio volume values get reset

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Aug 9, 2017

Also confirmed in 4.22 Main @ CL 4413632 ...

Packaging fails with too many instanced static meshes

UE - Graphics Features - Jun 8, 2018

Project will fail to package with more than one actor containing ISM Components. From user: "...After some testing I found that it only occurs if there are multiple actors in a map (either of the ...

Packaged Paper2D game using Flipbooks crashes when opening Level

UE - Gameplay - Components - Sep 11, 2020

Paper2D game using Blueprint Actor with Box Collision and Flipbook Component crashes frequently when loading levels in packaged Development Build. Reported and tested in versions 4.25.3(CL 139427 ...

Realtime Rendering toggle disabled after using Cloth Painting

UE - Simulation - Physics - Character - Jul 29, 2021

After finishing cloth painting, the ability to toggle Realtime Rendering in the viewport is greyed out. Additionally, the Disable Realtime Override button doesn't seem to have any effect. This probl ...

DefaultSceneRoot causes Get Actor Bounds to Return 128

UE - Gameplay - Jun 1, 2016

When using the Default Scene Root component in a blueprint with no additional components, the box extent of the Get Actor Bounds node is returning 128,128,128 instead of the expected 0,0,0. If you ...

Draw at desired size does not return to being false when unchecked

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Aug 4, 2017

When setting "draw at desired size" for a widget component to true, the "Draw size" will no longer respond to input. ...

Startup Movies Black Screen in Packaged Projects

Tools - Jun 25, 2018

Startup movies displaying black screen in packaged projects. Tested with 4.20p3 4135216 and 4.21 4157973 ...