Spawn Actor From Class Multiplying Transform Scale By Original Object Scale

UE - Gameplay - Jun 9, 2016

When using the Spawn Actor from Class node, the Spawn Transform Scale is being multiplied by the actor's original scale, instead of just setting the scale to the Spawn Transform's value. In 4.11.2, ...

Painted Instanced Foliage Actors Rendering Multiple LOD's Simultaneously

UE - World Creation - Worldbuilding Tools - Foliage - Sep 1, 2015

When using a mesh as an Instanced Foliage Actor the Levels of Detail are always rendered. The user reporting this issue mentions he needs to use extreme different LOD value ranges for screen size wi ...

Landscape Tessellation shadow depth performance cost higher than expected

UE - LD & Modeling - Terrain - Landscape - Aug 23, 2016

Using tessellation on Landscapes causes a greater impact in performance than what is expected. In the screenshots provided there is a comparison between tessellation disabled and flat tessellation ...

Crash on PIE exit after dynamically enabling and disabling tick functions through the Level Script blueprint.

UE - Gameplay - Mar 23, 2018

User reports hitting an assertion due to invalid FTickTaskManager state when game is attempting to unregister a tick function that was previously disabled dynamically. Failed assertion is in FTickT ...

Instanced static meshes fire an erroneous performance assert about loose parameters.

UE - Graphics Features - Sep 4, 2019

 "This ensure is intended to catch regressions where rendering programmers add a loose parameter to LocalVertexFactory, breaking dynamic instancing on regular static meshes.  InstancedStaticMeshes c ...

AddProceduralMeshComponent node throws UnknownTemplateReferenced errors in duplicated Function

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Aug 5, 2015

AddProceduralMeshComponent node throws UnknownTemplateReferenced errors in duplicated Function User description: 1) Make a function that has a Add Procedural Mesh Component node. 2) duplicate func ...

Re-importing an FBX with embedded media will not update the textures

UE - Editor - Content Pipeline - Import and Export - Nov 4, 2014

BRANCH: MAIN CHANGELIST: 2323471 PLATFORM: Windows DESCRIPTION: Creating an FBX with media embedded and later overwriting that FBX with a new file that updates the material and the mesh, only the ...

Media Texture Not Displaying When Launched to Android Device

UE - Rendering Architecture - Materials - Dec 17, 2015

UPDATE: 12/23/2015 This appears to be occurring on packaged projects for Win64 as well. ====================================================================== When attempting to launch a level t ...

Editor crashes on blueprint open when shortcut key is implemented through code

UE - Gameplay - Jun 7, 2017

Editor crashes on blueprint open when shortcut key is implemented through code inside of the BaseEditorPerProjectUserSettings.ini. Code used in repro is directly from Jeff W suggestion in the forum ...

Ensure triggers when undoing change to newly created variable

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Sep 28, 2018

Ensure will trigger when undo reverts text to default value. "This triggers an ensure because the undo ends up calling SKismetInspector::ShowDetailsForObjects(), which forces the keyboard focus to ...