Making a hidden level the current level changes tile position in World Composition

UE - World Creation - Worldbuilding Tools - World Composition - Nov 26, 2020

[AI] Navigation memory set in NavMeshMemory::ForAnyElementType::ResizeAllocation shows as Untagged in LLM instead of being under Navigation.

UE - AI - Navigation - Sep 27, 2022

Licensee found that memory being allocated during a resize in NavMeshMemory is not being tagged within LLM as NavigationMemory but show in LLM as Untagged memory. They do not have a callstack showca ...

Setting NavModifierVolume's AreaClass at runtime does not result in navmesh rebuilding

UE - AI - Apr 23, 2015

The volume does accept the change and if it gets moved the navmesh will rebuild with new area set. The core issue is that setting NavModifierVolume.AreaClass at runtime does not notify navigation sy ...

Duplicating a Function Containing Add Child Actor Component Causes Changes Made to the Duplicate to be Saved to the Original

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Nov 9, 2015

When you create a function containing an Add Child Actor Component node, duplicate that function, and then change the Child Actor Class option in the duplicate, the changes are also saved to the ori ...

Memory Leak in Actor Component Blueprints

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Dec 2, 2015

Slow memory leak occurs after opening Actor Component blueprints. ...

Material Billboard Component doesn't respect screen size when taking into account Camera FOV and AR

UE - Platform - XR - Aug 27, 2020

Material Billboard Component skews when Camera's Aspect Ratio is changed, and varies in size with changes to the Camera's Field Of View. Reported in version 4.25.3 (CL-13942748) and tested in versi ...

Error for having an extra semicolon before a UPROPERTY declaration is not thrown inside of a USTRUCT

UE - Foundation - Core - Oct 26, 2016

Having an extra semicolon on the line before declaring a UPROPERTY will cause UHT to miss parsing the following UPROPERTY. This is expected, but an error is usually given when this is the case. This ...

Imprecise Rotation Values produced in the Details Panel when using the Rotation Widget in the Viewport

Tools - Mar 29, 2016

Starting with an asset (static mesh for instance) with a precise rotation value (such as a whole number) in the details panel will result in a imprecise, slightly fractional off value when rotated ...

Virtual Texturing: RuntimeVirtualTextureOutput Node Can Be Used with a Virtual Texture Domain Material

UE - Graphics Features - Jun 21, 2019

When adding a RuntimeVirtualTextureOutput node to a Virtual Texture domain material, the RVT Output node overwrites any data being sent to the normal material node's output, which interferes with th ...

SaveGame data does not correctly save the value of elements in an int array when the elements are initialized with RandRange() and then set to a known value

UE - Gameplay - Aug 28, 2018

After using FMath::RandRange() to initialize elements of an int array in a SaveGame class and then setting all of the values of the array to 0 before using UGameplayStatics::SaveGameToSlot() to save ...