Android API 30 LaunchURL Not Working

UE - Platform - Mobile - Jul 22, 2021

The LaunchURL blueprint node is not functioning when using non-default browsers in API level 30 on Android Devices. Another licensee reports that the default browser may not be relevant, as any brow ...

Animations are not recorded correctly when "Save Record Assets" is enabled.

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Jul 21, 2021

If I disable "Save Record Assets", all animations are recorded. I have checked the implementation of bSaveRecordedAssets, but I am not sure if this is the intended implementation. ...

Two animation assets are created when Pawn is recorded in TakeRecorder.

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Jul 21, 2021

If you specify a Level Sequence of "TakeRecorder_Skeletal" in step 3, there will be only one animation created. The licensee wants this to be the same behavior. ...

If you add "All Nearby Spawned Actors" later, the first shot's animation will not be recorded.

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Jul 21, 2021

If you replace steps 2 and 3 and add "All Nearby Spawned Actors" first, and then add the Source of "Level Sequence", the animation of the first shot will also be recorded. ...

wire import crash on file generated by alias 2021.3

UE - Editor - Content Pipeline - Import and Export - Jul 20, 2021

Our company has updated Alias to 2021.3.1 and now Datasmith crashed when importing .wire files. Previously we had Alias 2019 and Alias 2021.1 installed. Now just Alias 2021.3.1 and then the issue be ...

VCAM 2.0 - No signal on iPad from Mac OSX

UE - Virtual Production - Tools - Virtual Camera - Jul 19, 2021

UDN case link with this ticket [Link Removed] ...

Untracked Metadata does not work on arrays of soft objects

UE - Foundation - Core - Jul 19, 2021

The "untracked" metadata field turns off tracking of soft object references so they will not appear in the content browser or modify things like cooking rules. It works fine on individual references ...

Memory leak when rendering some meshes with ray tracing enabled

UE - Graphics Features - Jul 19, 2021

This memory leak seems to be caused by the TMemStackAllocator of FRayTracingMeshCommandOneFrameArray. Using the FDefaultAllocator for FRayTracingMeshCommandOneFrameArray works as a workaround. // ...

Material of Skeletal Mesh does not render correctly when using multi-UV with ES3.1 and using Render Static

UE - Platform - Mobile - Jul 15, 2021

ES3.1 rendering does not render correctly when using TexCoord [1] in a material and RenderStatic on the SkeletalMeshComponent. ...

Cannot select child anim BPs for use in linked anim layers

UE - Anim - Runtime - Jul 15, 2021

From UDN: [Link Removed] Unable to set a Child ABP with inherited interface to a Linked Animation Layer Instance Class. I have a ABP_Biped which is our main ABP. I have the locomotion (idle+straf ...