Collision boxes become sluggish to move when using higher poly meshes. High poly boxes attached (60 K and 120K tris) Users Video for reference: [Link Removed] ...
When you simulate and pause then move the camera, the Motion Blur effect seems to exaggerate wildly and blur the moving elements immensely. [Image Removed] Also Reproduced in Promotable-CL-2581018 ...
Material Alignment on BSPs are not functioning in 4.8.0 Release. This is a regression from 4.7.6. The issue does appear to be fixed and functional in 4.9 (Promotable-CL-2581018) ...
For example: When placing a text block that is at a size 12 font inside of a scale box that is x = 800 by y = 300 the text block will be incorrectly clipped (the letter 'k' is completely missing) ...
The 3DWidget that is used to represent a vectors position in 3D space now scales when scaling the actor that it is attached to. This could lead to having a vector that is too small to see/ hard to f ...
When light shaft bloom is enabled the lights will create straight beams of light even when not blocked by anything when shown in VR for the oculus. ...
It needs to be either supported, or UBlackboardData should not show up in lists of valid parent classes. I'm not sure the latter is possible at all, so we should at least patch it up so that that ru ...
Viewport option: Show>Advanced>Vertex Colors doesn't display the vertex colors for a Skeletal Mesh. This viewmode works fine for Static Meshes. There is also no option to display the Vertex Colors ...
Selecting a text field that is displaying "Multiple Values" will rewrite all values for all selected entities to "Multiple Values". Reproduced in 4.7.6, 4.8.0, and Main (//depot/UE4/Promotable-CL-2 ...
Most GameMode classes cannot be set in Blueprints. Only Set Default Pawn Class and Set HUD Class have Setters available in Blueprints (the Getters are all still available). Reproduced in 4.8.0 and ...