A crash occurs when scrubbing the matinee slider with a 'Sound Wave' that has 'Subtitles' enabled. You need to enable 'Subtitles' within the settings of the asset. Tested issue in 4.7.6 and did no ...
User does not change anything in Client Play Camera Shake. Reproduced in 4.8 and Main (//depot/UE4/Promotable-CL-2581498). This is a Regression: it works as expected in 4.7.6 ...
A crash occurs when importing a tiled landscape, via the 'Levels' window with World Composition enabled, and applying a material to the 'Hole Material' slot. You can also re-apply a default material ...
When you ALT-Drag a Decal that is not using the Dbuffer settings, the Engine will crash. The issue is not reproducible in Main Promotable-CL-2581018 This is a regression. Worked in 4.7.6, broken ...
Could not get the Get the stereo mode to work for the DK1 on the Mac. There is no preview, Alt+ Enter does not work, and the command "Stereo on" does not work. ...
The Textures for the Demo play bars in Shooter Game are rendering White in 4.8.0 release, appears fixed in Main Promotable-CL-2581018. ...
When running Shooter Game, Highrise map, there are red artifacts rendered in the boundary areas between AO and Reflections. This is a regression from 4.7.6. In 4.7.6 - [Image Removed] In 4.8.0, Li ...
Seems to be an issue with the indirect lighting cache where if you have interpenetrating static meshes (for example static mesh rocks that make up the ground), there are cases where the cache points ...
Developer struggling to make area lights Was trying to use an IES light profile and change source radius and length, but it didn't seem to scale in a way that made sense[Image Removed] Not sure if t ...
If a blueprint has a breakpoint on a node and that node is utilized in PIE, the Event Trace in the Debug Log window will register each action taken by the blueprint multiple times. ...