Gameplay Tag Query - Assert when changing root expression while tag picker is open

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Slate - Jun 17, 2021

Changing a gameplay tag query's root expression in a make query node will assert if the tag editor widget is open.  ...

FConsoleVariableBase::SetOnChangedCallback behaves incompatibly with previous versions

UE - Niagara - Jun 17, 2021

FConsoleVariable::OnChangedCallback was changed to a multicast delegate in 4.26. Along with this, FConsoleVariableBase::SetOnChangedCallback was implemented to emulate a single delegate for compatib ...

Delta struct serialized fast arrays replicating new elements with no changelist

UE - Networking - Jun 14, 2021

There is a scenario where delta struct serialized fast arrays can replicate changes that introduce additional elements to the array, but without changelists containing the new data. This needs furt ...

Color space transform in the UI composition is incorrect on DX12 HDR (r.HDR.UI.CompositeMode=1)

UE - Graphics Features - Jun 11, 2021

Color space conversion in the UI composition is incorrect on DX12 HDR. In the main() function In CompositeUIPixelShader.usf, you can see the following color space transform.// sRGB -> RRT -> ODT ...

Update to AndroidX

UE - Platform - Mobile - Jun 11, 2021

Upgrade to use AndroidX ...

Mouse collision is offset when fullscreen at non-regular resolutions

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Slate - Jun 10, 2021

The source of the issue is differences between viewport resolution and screen resolution. Cursor position is reported w.r.t. screen space, but we need to map that value to the viewport to correctly ...

Two-Sided Material option is initially greyed out and inaccessible when creating a Material Instance

UE - Rendering Architecture - Materials - Jun 9, 2021

When attempting to change the option for Two-Sided Material for a Material Instance, the option is initially greyed out and you cannot change the value. However, if you close out of the Material Ins ...

Masked areas render as black if material uses any virtual texture

UE - Graphics Features - Jun 9, 2021

Masked materials that sample virtual texture don't function correctly. They render black instead of masked. This happens when there is no depth pre pass enabled. Automatically enabling depth pre p ...

Projects crash after enabling the Panoramic Capture plugin and restarting the editor

UE - Platform - XR - Jun 9, 2021

The editor crashes when attempting to open a project that has the Panoramic Capture plugin. Tested in //UE4/Release-4.26 @ CL 15973114 and the editor does not crash when the plugin is enabled, so ...