Opening widget blueprint causes editor to crash

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Oct 17, 2014

Branch Build Label UE4-Main Promoted-CL- 2323471 DESCRIPTION: User crashes when opening a Widget blueprint.  Unable to reproduce internally. *EDIT* Repro provided by User ...

Crash when creating StaticMesh repeatedly

Tools - Nov 21, 2014

UE4Editor crashes when creating static meshes. Event at startup time while it tries to create default object it crash sometimes. ...

Crash when splitting up output of collapsed node

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint Compiler - Feb 13, 2017

A crash occurs when splitting the pin of a collapsed vector node that was connected via a vector connection. This issue is very similar to [Link Removed] however, the callstacks are different so I ...

Walking into some destructibles crashes the editor

UE - Simulation - Physics - Destruction - Aug 20, 2015

Submitted by a licensee on UDN. I verified it and have attached the test level that he provided. In the test map. some boxes fall and break. Walking straight into the boxes causes the editor to cra ...

Crash when updating phsyics simulated box extent during runtime

UE - Simulation - Physics - May 12, 2017

If a Box Collision component is set to simulate physics, calling "Set Box Extent" causes the editor to crash. Workaround: Setting Collision Enabled for the box component to "Physics Only" or "Query ...

FFrame::ReadProperty() occur crash if Blendspace Player node use Function to get BlendSpace Asset

UE - Anim - Runtime - Anim Blueprints - May 25, 2022

If user connect a function that returns a Blendspace Asset to a Blendspace Player that BlendSpaceAsset settings are exposed to a pin, it crashes in the package. It does not occur if user do not con ...

Editor crash when opening Project Settings on Linux

UE - Platform - Linux - Mar 29, 2017

When the Project Settings is opened on Linux, a call is made to run an iOS-related C# program (execute iPhonePackager certificates). This call causes the editor to crash. Unable to find mention of ...

Switch on custom enum causes compilation errors after Hot Reload

UE - Foundation - Core - Sep 28, 2015

If the project is hot reloaded while a Switch on Enum is inside of a blueprint which is switching on a custom enum, the switch will become corrupted. It changes the 'selection' pin to take a Byte pa ...

Inserting before a FSlateImageRun twice will cause crash

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Apr 12, 2019