Behavior Tree "Resume" button does not match other resume buttons in editor

UE - Gameplay - Feb 12, 2015

Resume button in Behavior Trees is a different image than the resume button in other parts of the editor. ...

Physical materials cannot be queried

UE - Rendering Architecture - Materials - Feb 12, 2015

Physical materials placed on starter content shapes always return as invalid for any trace or collision query. ...

Using The Draw line node over an image in UMG causes Graphical issues

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Feb 12, 2015

Using the Drawn line node to draw a line over an image in UMG causes the viewport to display incorrectly. In 4.7 the lines also are not drawn. ...

Custom structure in blueprint corrupts Project

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Feb 12, 2015

Adding a custom Struct appears to crash the user project (possibly circular reference issue ) ...

Open Level opens previous level in Launch mode

Open Level does not properly work in Launch Game. Instead of streaming the intended level, it streams the previous level. ...

Using Ctrl+Z after moving a widget will delete the widget

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Feb 11, 2015

TestAfter moving a widget in the designer tab and then using Ctrl+Z to undo this will cause the widget that was moved to be deleted. ...

Auto Key in UMG does not detect changes made with the mouse

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Feb 11, 2015

When creating animations in UMG the auto key feature does not pick up on, make changes and set key frames when does things such as moving the widget, scaling the widget, ect. ...

While renaming a variable in the Details panel, clicking another variable will rename it instead

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Feb 11, 2015

While renaming a variable in the Details panel, clicking another variable will rename it instead. ...

Game Instance being initialized twice in Android build

UE - Gameplay - Feb 11, 2015

When a project with a C++ custom game instance is packaged for Android, the game mode is initialized twice from different paths. Device log files attached ...

EQS Generators named "NewBlueprint" cause errors and crash

UE - AI - Feb 11, 2015

Naming an EnvQueryGenerator_BlueprintBase derived BP "NewBlueprint" and deleting it causes new custom generators to not appear in the EQS. This can also lead to a crash when searching for the new ge ...