A crash can occur when modifying a user-defined struct asset that's indirectly accessed through a variable node.

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint Editor - May 11, 2021

If a user-defined struct-type variable is declared in one Blueprint, and that variable is then indirectly accessed in a second Blueprint through a reference to the first Blueprint, modifying the str ...

Nativized blueprint does not support reading values from TRange structs

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - May 10, 2021

Compile errors will occur during packaging with Blueprint nativization enabled if e.g. "Get" nodes are placed in a Blueprint on FFloatRange struct types (or any other explicit TRange derivative) and ...

'recompileshaders changed' doesn't work

UE - Graphics Features - May 7, 2021

The issue is already fixed in UE5 by CL 14368553. This Jira is created for cherrypick into UE4 ...

GetAllMobileRelevantLayerNames drops those layers which are only connected to RuntimeVirtualTextureOutput Node

UE - Graphics Features - May 6, 2021

in UMaterial::GetAllReferencedExpressions, the mobile branch ignores every CustomOutputExpressions including RuntimeVirtualTextureOutput. ...

Crash when creating a static mesh from a Procedural Mesh Component that has been used with a Create Mesh Section node

UE - LD & Modeling - Modeling Tools - Mesh Editing - May 5, 2021

When creating a static mesh from a Procedural Mesh Component that has been used by a Create Mesh Section node, the editor crashes. The editor doesn't crash when selecting the Create Static Mesh butt ...

The space between multi line text is gone in game when the text box is placed in a retainer box

UE - Editor - UI Systems - May 4, 2021

When using a Text Box with multiple lines inside a Retainer, the lines overlap with each other depending on the letters. It doesn't look this way in the Widget Designer. Additionally, it doesn't loo ...

Crash in MaterialInstance when deleting a layer

UE - Graphics Features - May 4, 2021

Repro from licensee here - [Link Removed] ...

CullDistanceVolumes don't update correctly

UE - Graphics Features - May 4, 2021

Actor variable type has distractingly large tooltip comment

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint Editor - May 4, 2021

Actor.h has a large comment that describes the entire lifecycle of Actors, which was written for the API website (https://docs.unrealengine.com/en-US/API/Runtime/Engine/GameFramework/AActor/index.ht ...