Forward renderer's masked material are broken with 8x MSAA

UE - Graphics Features - Mar 18, 2021

Problem seams to be coming from MaterialTemplate.ush's GetDerivativeCoverageFromMask() ...

Bound component functions in a child can incorrectly override parent binding

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint Editor - Mar 16, 2021

The way in which component (and actor) events are named can result in bindings in a parent for a different event overriding the binding in a parent. ...

Split pins on nodes within sub-graphs in an animation blueprint are broken

UE - Anim - Runtime - Mar 16, 2021

There's a bug in the anim bp compiler which results in split pins on animation nodes not being merged properly back onto their parent pin during compilation. The result of this is that any input to ...

incorrect virtual texture shader code(in FinalizeVirtualTextureFeedback) on Mobile forward platform

UE - Graphics Features - Mar 15, 2021

in the function FinalizeVirtualTextureFeedback, the micro "USE_DBUFFER && MATERIALDECALRESPONSEMASK" returns true on mobile forward, while there is no DBUFFER on Mobile forward obviously. This takes ...

IOStore : Packaged game crashes when doing garbage collection right after cancelling async loading by UnloadPrimaryAssetList

UE - Foundation - Core - RuntimeLoader - Mar 15, 2021

Packaged game without IOStore never hits this error. ...

Tagged binding exists after deleting object binding in sequence

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Mar 12, 2021

Tagged bindings aren't deleted when their object binding is deleted in the sequence.  ...

Reimporting SkeletalMesh with LODs generated via reduction tool crashes when reduction plugin is disabled

UE - Editor - Content Pipeline - Import and Export - Mar 12, 2021

When reimporting a Skeletal Mesh that has LODs generated via the reduction tool, the editor will crash if the Skeletal Mesh Simplifier plugin is disabled. This issue was originally reported on th ...

[Reverb][Regression] - The Reverb Effect in World Settings Does Not Update When Loading New Levels

UE - Audio - Mar 12, 2021

When loading a new level via the Open Level node in Blueprints, the World Settings do not update the Applied Reverb Effect. When trying to reproduce the issue in 4.25.4, issue did not occur (the r ...