Crash when spawning multiple HISM at runtime in a packaged shipping build

UE - World Creation - Worldbuilding Tools - HLOD - Feb 25, 2021

When adding multiple Hierarchical Instanced Static Meshes on a loop and packaging the project in Shipping configuration the application crashes due to LowLevelFatalError [Link Removed] [Line: 1431] ...

Dynamic Spatial Frequency not working with dependent actors

UE - Networking - Feb 25, 2021

In UReplicationGraphNode_DynamicSpatialFrequency::CalcFrequencyForActor, the ActorChannelCloseFrameNum is updated for the actor but not its dependents when calculating FramesTillReplicate. As a resu ...

ChildActor is being set to null on client via replication

UE - Networking - Feb 25, 2021

When DuplicateWorldForPIE is called and serializes the references in another AlwaysLoaded sublevel, the properties of a ChildActorComponent are confusingly inaccurate. ...

All ELinearConstraintMotion pins in BP reset to "Free" when converting a project to 4.26

UE - Simulation - Physics - Feb 24, 2021

When using any of the Set Linear Limit nodes (X/Y/Z) and converting a project from a previous version of the engine, the nodes get their Constraint Type value reset to Free. I tested this with proje ...

Ambient Occlusion does not function with Forward Rendering enabled

UE - Graphics Features - Feb 24, 2021

Ambient Occlusion does not seem to function when enabling Forward Rendering. I tested the level without Forward Shading and could notice a visible difference in the shadows when Ambient Occlusion wa ...

Virtual textures flicker if physical pool is oversubscribed

UE - Graphics Features - Feb 24, 2021

If a virtual texture physical pool becomes oversubscribed the current behavior is: Log a one time only warning: ''Failed to allocate VT page from pool...' Continue to evict the least recently used t ...

Virtual textures can appear blurry or corrupt in the texture editor view.

UE - Graphics Features - Feb 24, 2021

Virtual textures can appear blurry or corrupt in the texture editor view. [Link Removed] ...

Auto virtual texture import can be confusing for some users

UE - Graphics Features - Feb 24, 2021

There have been a few times internally and with licensees where people have enabled virtual texturing on a project to access RVT and then have been surprised when textures start to be imported as st ...

Texture Reimport can change a regular texture to a virtual texture

UE - Graphics Features - Feb 24, 2021

Reloading a regular texture will convert it to a virtual texture if the size is greater or equal to the "Auto Virtual Texturing Size" setting. This is often not the desired behavior. The status of t ...

CheckForWorldGCLeaks crash using New Level from Template node to duplicate sublevel of the currently loaded level

Tools - Feb 23, 2021

A world leak crash occurs when using NewLevelFromTemplate to duplicate a sublevel of the currently loaded level. The crash doesn't manifest until another level is loaded even though the Sublevel ins ...