TraceDataFitering is not activated when LiveTrace is started. We can force it to be active by calling the following code. IUnrealInsightsModule& UnrealInsightsModule = FModuleManager::LoadModuleCh ...
When a NavmeshBoundsVolume or NavModifierVolume is parented to another actor in the outliner, navmesh is not updated along the volume when the parent actor is moved. If the volume is deleted and the ...
When adding text after switching from half-width to full-width input using Microsoft IME, there may be a delay of about 3 seconds before the text can be entered correctly. This is supposed to occur ...
Following code works as a work around. The code updates placement information of instances. TMap<UFoliageType*, TArray<const FFoliageInstancePlacementInfo*>> AInstancedFoliageActor::GetInstancesF ...
This code passes the build when compiled using the windows editor (Visual Studio), but fails when compiled using the mac editor (XCode). Adding ENGINE_API to struct FStreamingLevelsToConsider and ex ...
To avoid confusing users when working with a Native Branching Point Notify set its MontageTickType to be fixed to BranchingPoint. ...