Physics Constraints do not have the same values if they are part of an 'Always Loaded' level. They will work correctly in the Persistent level and a level that is Streamed in. This becomes problem ...
If a user makes an enumerator in C++ and sets one of the variables to Hidden and doesn't make it the last variable of the enum, it will cause issues with the numbering of the enum when using the Sel ...
It appears that the preview scene used to render thumbnails is not destroyed after a thumbnail is rendered, even after the blueprint editor is closed and GC is run. Also found in Release-5.4, CL: 31 ...
If a macro is referencing a custom enum within a struct and compiled after another output pin is removed, an internal compiler error will appear and the blueprint will not compile. ...
When animating within a blueprint of a subclass created in c++, the animating mesh replicates itself uncontrollably. Added to .h: UPROPERTY() UBoxComponent* BoxComp; UPROPERTY() USkeletalMeshCompo ...
When using UMeta on Enums, text is ignored when doing Enum to String on a packaged project. ...
Reproduced 3/3 times, issue does not occur in //UE5/Release-5.0 - CL 20979098 Binary. Confirmed Regression. It's only in packaged & quick launched builds that this occurs; PIE works as normal. ...
After Seamless Server Travel, the Client cannot move the character or see the Server character. On the Server, the Client character appears to be falling in place. Tested in both first and third per ...
When a material with WPO effects and MaxWorldPositionOffsetDisplacement is applied to a foliage mesh, foliage applied to a map will no longer work as expected with density scaling, especially after ...
The order of passes related to Decal rendering (without the DBuffer) and CustomDepth is changed by the CVar "r.Lumen.AsyncCompute", even when Lumen is not enabled. This causes Decal Materials that ...