Mesh Decal Material Influced By Emissive In Shader Complexity View Mode

UE - Graphics Features - May 4, 2017

The emissive value influences how a mesh decal material appears in the shader complexity view mode. The value of 1 will register as white and .5 is pink. ...

Input breaks after spawning character from template

UE - Gameplay - Input - Jun 14, 2017

When a character is spawned from a template of an existing character instance, the existing instance loses the ability to read any input. This was discovered when testing the crash fix for [Link Re ...

Font advance and fallback font metrics have issues in 4.16

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Slate - Jun 5, 2017

There were some font regressions in 4.16 that we've since fixed (CL# 3456916 and CL# 3425681). These are affecting live users so we should get them into the next 4.16 build. ...

Leaderboards and Achievements are inaccessible in Match3 using a new account

UE - Online - Feb 6, 2018

Ads between matches WERE working, as was the purchase option. This was found in Shipping, but I was able to reproduce and gather logs from Development. This was found on a Pixel 2 on Android 8.1 ...

Cast Hidden Shadow Creates Shadow Artifacts in Splitscreen

UE - Graphics Features - Apr 18, 2018

When using Cast Hidden Shadow in splitscreen, the shadow from your character has severe shadow artifacts. This has been observed in 4.18.3 as well as 4.19.1.  ...

A repainted cloth mesh continues to use previous paint job and does not update

UE - Simulation - Physics - Character - Dec 20, 2019

Cloth mesh reverts back to original painted mesh after editing Tested:     4.23.1 CL#9631420 4.25 CL#10730208 ...

MAC rect light does not use assigned source texture

UE - Platform - Apple - Jan 30, 2020

Rect light does not use its assigned source texture on MAC OS. Tested in: 4.23.1 CL#9631420  4.25 CL#11062379 ...

Scene Capture set to depth only renders the full scene instead of only processing depth.

UE - Virtual Production - Rendering - Oct 26, 2021

A licensee has also recommended a fix for this issue, please see the UDN link for details. Example renderdoc capture of the issue can be found here - [Link Removed] ...

Console history in packaged game is not saved

UE - Foundation - Core - Jul 25, 2023

Console history is saved correctly in 5.1. The cause is input.ini in EnhancedInput and InputDebugging added in 5.2. Removing these files are a work around. ...

HTML5 project does not load using

UE - Platform - Mobile - Apr 25, 2016

HTML5 projects are not loading properly on, this may be occurring on other HTML5 upload websites. Adding https into the myproject.html does not seem to make a difference, as Kafu has recomme ...