A user was trying to make his recorded animation loop, but having trouble getting it to loop properly and having to eyeball it. So I did some digging and experimentation. I think that one of the m ...
If a child actor component is placed in a blueprint, that child actor component cannot be individually selected in viewport or scene outliner. ...
Users are unable to rename a variable using the right-click menu within Blueprints, and the sources panel within the Content Browser. Regression? Yes. I tested the functionality of the right-click ...
After adding a new Camera Actor Component within Blueprints to an existing Spring Arm Component, the Camera Component adopts the location settings , but does not set its location within the viewport ...
When using mobile preview or when viewing on the device the colors for widgets appear darker. May be related to [Link Removed], however this was marked as fixed and I tested the project that was g ...
Landscape with 3 layers renders with corrupted texture coordinates for one of the layers when running on iOS/Metal. Disabling the LANDSCAPE_BUG_WORKAROUND shader file fix causes the problem to occu ...
Attempting to pass an array of interfaces into a UFUNCTION will fail at compile stating "cannot convert argument 1 from 'TArray<ElementType,FDefaultAllocator>' to 'const TArray<TScriptInterface<IInt ...
Crash occurs when disabling Import Tags from Configs in the Project Settings under GamplayTags. There are also ensures that occur with it, linked here. If these need a separate fix, I can enter a ...
When some grouped actors are childed to another actor, and both the group and the parent are selected in the world outliner, movement delta is applied twice to the grouped children. Code for a poten ...
When using a line trace under a landscape it no longer registers a hit on the underside. REGRESSION? Yes Worked 4.13.2 CL 3195953 Broken 4.14.1 CL 3224400 ...