Instance components duplicated via the in world component editor are destroyed on level reload

UE - Gameplay - Components - May 21, 2020

Instance components aren't flagged correctly and are removed on load as a result. ...

TopDownCharacter has a typo in the blueprint comments

Docs - Samples - May 21, 2020

The TopDownCharacter blueprint in the Top Down template has a comment with a typo: "Reset HMD orientatino and position" ...

Enabling "Edit Layers" results in a loss of precision when importing an heightmap

UE - LD & Modeling - Terrain - Landscape - May 20, 2020

Importing an heightmap while having Edit Layers enabled results in a loss of precision: [Image Removed] ...

Slate-based Program targets assert on start up

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Slate - May 20, 2020

13431468 (which originated from FN) has caused Program-type targets to assert when starting. This has been observed with both UnrealInsights and UnrealFrontend. check(PrimaryDockArea.IsValid()) ...

Make sure GLTF importer can be call by script and blueprint

UE - Editor - Content Pipeline - Import and Export - May 19, 2020

Time Synth fails to play 96KHz audio clips

UE - Audio - May 19, 2020

TimeSynth 96KHz music clips only play for a split second and then stop. 48KHz files play correctly however 96KHz 16-bit and 24-bit files do not This was reported and tested in 4.25 (CL-13144385) an ...

Motion blur is not working in split screen multiplayer

UE - Graphics Features - May 19, 2020

Anim sequence in DLC leads to crash in IOS.

UE - Platform - Mobile - May 19, 2020

DLC download is working as expected but opening a map with anim sequence which is located at DLC's pak file will lead to crash in iOS. ...

Child Actor Components jitter around in blueprint viewport when dragged

UE - Gameplay - Components - May 18, 2020

REGRESSION: Does not occur in 4.24 Dragging a child actor component in the blueprint viewport results in it bouncing and jittering. ...