Fix TSR velocity extrusion on rotating

UE - Graphics Features - Aug 3, 2023

Widgets are removed from viewport on server travel

UE - Editor - UI Systems - UMG - Aug 3, 2023

The GameViewportSubsystem removes all widgets from the viewport in UGameViewportSubsystem::HandleRemoveWorld which is bound to the FWorldDelegates::OnWorldBeginTearDown and FWorldDelegates::OnPreWor ...

Display Texture Atlases in Widget Reflector displaying incorrect tooltips

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Slate - Aug 3, 2023

Tooltips within Page 1 of the Texture Atlas Visualizer in Widget Reflector are displaying the incorrect asset. This issue is occurring in Binary //UE5/Release-5.3 at CL 26560699 This issue is occur ...

GAS: GameplayCueNotify OnActive executed twice for Duration GEs on Standalone+ListenServer

UE - Gameplay - Gameplay Ability System - Aug 2, 2023

When playing Standalone or as Listen Server, whenever a GameplayEffect with a duration is applied that fires gameplay cues, the server will locally execute OnActive twice on GameplayCueNotify_Actors ...

FcomponentVisualizer::ShowWhenSelected() has no effect

UE - Editor - Workflow Systems - Aug 2, 2023

Editor becomes unresponsive while Compiling with Save on Success of a Widget Blueprint that contains a Breakpoint in Pre Construct

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Aug 2, 2023

This is not a regression. Tested in //UE5/Release-5.2 CL26001984 Editor becomes unresponsive after compiling with save on success a widget blueprint that has logic flagged with a breakpoint within ...

Lags in animation when set leader pose component is used

UE - Rendering Architecture - Aug 2, 2023 From licensee: "USkinnedMeshComponents have the option to double-buffer their bo ...

Getting Emitter.NumParticles on Niagara's GPU compute sim returns 0

UE - Niagara - Jul 27, 2023

This problem looks like the following parameters are not defined correctly. The correct parameter is Engine_Emitter_NumParticles. Engine_Emitter_NumParticles and PREV_Engine_Emitter_NumParticles .\ ...

TMaps with instanced objects: modifying instanced object data in child affects parent

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Jul 25, 2023

Given a TMap where the value type is an instanced object: when a child blueprint is saved with modifications to the TMap, and then additional TMap are added to the parent blueprint and the child blu ...