Material editor crash in 5.0.2

UE - Rendering Architecture - Materials - Sep 2, 2022

Subobject components do not have undo functionality within the level

Tools - Jan 4, 2021

When moving these components around in the world editor, the transform gizmo will move with the undo, but the actual component will not.  I could not repro this behavior with non-native component ...

TraceHitInfo not returning correct PhysMat when Changed at Runtime via MID

UE - Simulation - Physics - Jan 11, 2016

Line Traces are not correctly returning the Physical Material Info when that information is changed at runtime via a Override Physical Material or a Set Physical Material via a Dynamic Material Inst ...

Uncompressed Lightmaps rendering incorrectly in HTML5

UE - Platform - Mobile - Mar 25, 2015

When using uncompressed Lightmaps in HTML5, the lighting is rendered incorrectly. Using (the default) compressed lightmaps, generates no error. Also reproduced in Main Promotable-CL-2487422 (Enscr ...

GetActorsPerception useless in 4.7

UE - AI - Mar 11, 2015

The new AI Perception system's BP API, marketed in release notes, depends on UAIPerceptionComponent::GetActorsPerception, that, as one AnswerHub user points out, is useless due to a buggy condition ...

The AnimBlueprint Shows Duplicate Objects in the Debug Filter

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint Editor - Sep 3, 2015

The AnimBlueprint shows duplicate characters in the Debug Filter causing three effects: 1. Causes breakpoints not to function properly 2. Reverts back to "No debug object selected" in the Filter rat ...

Multiple monitors bug with UE 4.14 on Mac

UE - Platform - Apple - Oct 26, 2016

In UE4.14, the Editor freezes and is unresponsive and/or user cannot use any element of the editor in the second display Regression: this did not occur in previous versions of the Engine: tested in ...

Material Expression Reference Page: "Inputs" and "Outputs" definitions reversed from illustration

On the Material Expression Reference Page, located here: Material Expressions has an image numbered ...

Collision Not Working on Dynamically Spawned Objects While Using 'Cook Blueprint Component Data for Faster Instancing at Runtime'

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Dec 13, 2016

Dynamically spawned objects' collision does not seem to be working in a packaged game when the Cook Blueprint Component Data for Faster Instancing at Runtime option is enabled. Found in 4.14.1. Un ...

Video Texture thumbnail does not update after you change its output track

Media Framework - Mar 2, 2017

When updating a video texture's output track, the player preview and world will update immediately, however the texture's thumbnail will revert to default color: Black. When moused over, the thumbn ...