Particle System Components don't inherit owner's time dilation

UE - Niagara - Feb 7, 2020

This is a regression introduced by the particle system manager. It does not account for the owning actor's time dilation when ticking the particle system components.  ...

HLOD proxy generation invalidates other clusters

UE - World Creation - Worldbuilding Tools - HLOD - Feb 7, 2020

When rebuilding a single HLOD proxy mesh in a world composition level that has many, the other proxy meshes will be marked as unbuilt and removed from the HLOD asset package. ...

Binding to a component event in blueprint and then deleting the component does not cause compiler errors on remaining events

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint Compiler - Feb 7, 2020

Blueprint events associated with a component within a blueprint graph do not cause compilation errors in either a base or child blueprint if the component is then deleted, leaving the event behind w ...

Reordering instanced components in the Actor Details tab invalidates the relocated instance such that it can no longer be registered into the current world.

Tools - Feb 5, 2020

After reordering, if you hover over the "Component Blueprint B" entry, the object path indicates that it's incorrectly referencing a transient object. This is why GetWorld() now returns NULL and the ...

User-instanced subobjects owned by a streaming sublevel's Blueprint CDO cannot be garbage collected with the owning world after the sublevel has been reloaded in the editor.

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Feb 5, 2020

Strong object reference properties of an 'EditInline'-decorated UCLASS type embedded within a native C++ struct definition can be instanced at edit time by the user as part of a variable's default v ...

Child widget of Retainerbox draws with incorrect offset of RenderTranslation

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Feb 5, 2020

The child widget of Retainerbox was applied incorrectly offset the RenderTranslation of the parent widget and draws it. This issue is 4.24 only. it's fine as well as the preview on UMG Designer in 4 ...

UserDefinedEnum variables in UserDefinedStructs aren't properly updated when the enumerations are reordered.

UE - Gameplay - Feb 4, 2020

UserDefinedEnum variables in UserDefinedStructs aren't properly updated when the enumerations are reordered. FEnumEditorUtils::BroadcastChanges fixes up Blueprints but not UserDefinedStructs.  ...

Vive Trackpad X and Y always return 0

UE - Platform - XR - Feb 3, 2020

Platform-specific input for pad axis in 4.24 leads to missing value in VIVE. in 4.23.1 this is not reproduced. ...

Evaluating same frames of event track when enabled auto scroll.

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Feb 3, 2020

If Auto Scroll is enabled, it seems to be re-evaluating the same frame. Especially noticeable when the [View Range End Time] is small value (Working Auto Scroll). ...