Streaming of array textures with mips results in nearest mips being black

UE - Graphics Features - Jan 20, 2020

The issue is discussed in this UDN: Key quote from UDN thread is:"Also, having made a texture array with 190 entries, it seems ...

Nativized UMG widgets with animation tracks can sometimes assert with async loading enabled.

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Jan 18, 2020

The incorrect use of NewObject() to instance nested class-owned subobjects will force StaticAllocateObject() to reconstruct the instance that was already constructed by the outer class ctor in nativ ...

Cloth Simulation Doesn't Work When Clothing Data Is Applied Before Being Painted

UE - Simulation - Physics - Character - Jan 17, 2020

When clothing data is applied before painting the influence on the section the cloth doesn't simulate. I tested this using the Paragion: Twinblast actionhero skeletal mesh asset. Found in 4.24.1 C ...

Engine Crashes When Trying To Reimport Skeletal Mesh For One That Has No Clothing Data

UE - Simulation - Physics - Character - Jan 17, 2020

The engine crashes when trying to reimport a skeletal mesh that has no clothing data. This seems related to Found in 4.24.1 CL#10757647 Reproduced in ...

Motion Controller Components Don't Track Motion Controllers

UE - Platform - XR - Jan 17, 2020

The motion controller component doesn't track motion controllers correctly. This worked in 4.23. If you create a VR template project and follow the repro steps this issue doesn't occur. This was t ...

Clothing Data Cannot Be Created If The Old Data Was Deleted While Applied

UE - Simulation - Physics - Character - Jan 16, 2020

When you delete clothing data on a skeletal mesh before removing it you cannot apply new clothing data. The engine still thinks that there is clothing data is applied. I tested using the Paragon: Tw ...

Regression: Skeletalmeshreproduction node do not show mesh when the mesh is not SK_Mannequin in 4.24

UE - Niagara - Jan 16, 2020

SkeletalMeshReproduction node stopped showing meshes other than SK_Mannequin. ...

Game crashes when Panini projection enabled.

UE - Graphics Features - Jan 15, 2020

Fix possible crash if Android audio manager does not support certain properties

UE - Platform - Mobile - Jan 15, 2020

Not checking for a property not being supported by audio manager, need to protect it against NULL ...