"When translating some geographic data into a .OBJ, and importing into UE4. More than 165 of the meshes work. Some, i am having a hard time with. I've attached an example. AUT-mesh.obj is one of the ...
As described here: https://udn.unrealengine.com/questions/532725/index.html (1) Start Prebuilt Vanilla 4.23.1. with Vulkan enabled (2) Create a new project (3) Drag and drop the Sphere from “modes ...
Blueprint Node "Get Actors" for Layers in Level Blueprint causes crash in Packaged .exe The Blueprint node "Get Actors" for Layers in the Level Blueprint causes an instant crash in a built developm ...
The Contains node doesn't return an existing row from a data table under specific circumstances. This didn't occur when the struct the data table is based on was made via blueprints or there are mor ...
Widget is causing an ensure to be hit when exiting gameplay. Tested in: 4.24 Preview2 CL#10091930 , 4.25 CL#10183780 Attached URL's from the user: https://forums.unrealengine.com/community/ge ...
Custom Events get unbound when duplicating Level Sequences ...
Duplicating inherited Blueprint variables should copy the data from the original variable to the duplicated variable. ...
Licensee says that adding multiple InstancedStaticMeshComponent instances can be very slow (main bottleneck being the physics building). I think there's a good case for a method something like: ...
Curves compressed from additive animations will not interpolate correctly if they have two keys in a row with the same value. The second key will be ignored, leading to the curve interpolating earli ...