C4D Mograph not working in 4.24.0

UE - Editor - Content Pipeline - Datasmith - Importer - Dec 16, 2019

A customer is reporting that C4D mograph support is broken in version 4.24. C4D file added under [Link Removed] folder in: [Link Removed] ...

UAIPerceptionSystem::Tick() has a chance of not being called after level reloading

UE - AI - Dec 16, 2019

UAIPerceptionSystem::Tick() is not called after level reloading. When Debugging, UAIPerceptionSystem::CurrentTime is always 0, and UAIPerceptionSystem::SourcesToRegister always contains sources to ...

[CrashReporter] UE4Editor-AlembicHairTranslatorModule!ParseObject [AlembicHairTranslator.cpp:446]

UE - Editor - Content Pipeline - Import and Export - Dec 13, 2019

Generated from CrashReporter Error message: Unhandled Exception: EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION reading address 0x60b40008 Comments from Users: I cant import abc hair from Blender 2.81a. crashe ...

Console variables help button not providing html document or opening web page

Docs - Dec 13, 2019

Selecting the Console Variables help option or using 'help' does not lead to a webpage or provide a link.  ...

Subway Sequencer crashes when opening shot0010_001

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Dec 13, 2019

Opening specific files inside of the "Sequencer" doc sample project results in engine crash. ...

Mentioning "_Validate" suffix in code comments to function names causes Compiler error

UE - Foundation - Cpp Tools - UnrealHeaderTool - Dec 13, 2019

When mentioning the _Validate Suffix in code comment, Visual Studio compiler throws an error. ...

Paper2D Sprite Vertex Normals changed from 4.23 to 4.24

UE - Gameplay - Paper2D - Dec 12, 2019

Comparing static mesh cube, plane, and a paper2d sprite with a lit material it appears that we've changed how we calculate the vertex normals for paper 2d sprites, see below: [Image Removed] ...

Niagara crash when duplicating an emitter in the timeline through right-click menu

UE - Niagara - Dec 11, 2019

Trying to duplicate an emitter from the timeline crashes the editor. This looks to be the result of UMovieSceneNiagaraEmitterTrack not implementing the function SupportsType.  ...

Material Instance Parameters Undo Doesn't Update Values

Tools - Dec 11, 2019

Material Instance parameters do not update values when the user does an Undo (Ctrl+Z). An example project is attached. This seem related to [Link Removed]. Found in 4.24 CL#10570792 Reproduced in ...

Engine Crashes When Converting an Int to Float For a Map Key In Blueprints

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint Editor - Dec 11, 2019

The engine crashes when trying to automatically create a type conversion node when they are used a key for a map. Found in 4.24 CL#10570792 Reproduced in 4.25 Main CL# 10646676 ...